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Heya, everyone! It's the 30th of April (at least at the time of me uploading this chapter) which means it's Walpurgisnacht! Time of ghosts, witches, and other creepies.

This is very fitting, as the book you are about to witness blends action, horror, fantasy, and paranormal together with teen fiction into a new whole. In this story, every mythology you can think of is real, particularly the scary stuff, but it is hidden from normal people. Our heroes will have to save the world while still keeping up with their ordinary high school and home lives.

If you're nostalgic for modern supernatural books like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, or The Mortal Instruments, prepare for updates every Saturday and Tuesday!

Besides college, I've also been struggling with anxiety that kept me from putting this book out. Luckily, this book deals with precisely such themes of grief, anxiety, and despair (with monsters being a metaphor for them).

While I'm writing for fun, I hate theft. Currently, this story exists only on Wattpad and Geeke. Most mirror websites that steal stories are full of malware, so, consider going to the Wattpad profile PASharp to read it in its original, safe form.

Now, without further ado, prologue time!

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