Chapter 16

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Rosalind's POV-

I turn around and there he is.


Hm. First test huh? Okay I can handle him.

Hold on. Shit. There's like 10 more behind him. Guess I'll have some of the pack members fight too.

"Okay, I need 9 volunteers. Who wants to take down rouges?!" I mind link.

Automatically about 50 people step forward.

"I'll handle this guy and whoever wants can fight off the others. Got it?" I mind link.

"Got it." Everyone replies.

"Good." I mind link.

"What do you want rouge?" I question.

"Well, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to warn you, were all ready and this "training" will not help you at all so you might just drop the charade. Now, Cayden and Jax will not hold. We will not wait. Get ready for war freak." He states in a deep voice.

Many of the pack members growl behind me.

'When do you want us to attack?' Questions one of the pack members through mindlink.

'We will not attack unless they attack first. Got it?'

'Got it.'

"Is that all you are here for? To threaten us?" I question.

"Sadly yes. But I can't wait till the day I have all of your blood in my hands. That sounds good to you doesn't it? I mean you are a freak of nature after all. Half wolf, half vampire. Shame on you."

How'd he know? Well, at least he doesn't know I'm part angel. That'd be bad news.

"Just get out of here before I decide to break your neck." I growl.

"Feisty. Alright we will leave. But remember, we are ready. War is here." He smirks.

He then turns around and walks away followed by the rest of the rogues. I wait a few minutes until they are all far gone and then turn around to face the packs.

"You all saw what just happened right?" I asked receiving nods and a few yesses coming from everyone.

"Good. Now today we did not fight but soon we will have to fight. There is no stopping it. You all have to train because when war is in front of your eyes and you're not ready, I can tell you now, you will die. I am not going to sugarcoat anything with any of you guys. If you want to survive then you will do as I say during training. Understood?"

Everyone nods but a few people step forward.

"If we are going to war then we need someone else to train us, someone who isn't a freak. Tell me, is it true that you are half vampire?" Some blonde hazel eyed girl speaks up. She's not from our pack.

"Fine call me a freak, yes I am half vampire. What are you going to do about it?"

"I am going to request someone else train us. We don't need a freak of nature to come and order us around. I bet she can't even fight. She looks so bony and weak. I wouldn't be surprised if she were the first to die when this war starts. There are many more people here who look like they can train us better. Anyone else with me?" Asks the blonde. She's got guts.

Not surprisingly most of the females and some of the males raised their hands.

"Alright, all I'm going to do is stand here and train those who want to train. Those who want to die during this upcoming war can go ahead and walk away. I make no promises that there will be no consequence for missing practice. I will be talking with all of your alphas about attendance and performance. If you do not attend I will make no promises as to what your alphas will do. If you want to face the consequences and have a high chance of dying fine, go ahead, leave. I won't stop you."

Everyone in the different groups/packs suddenly started to whisper all around me. The same blonde girl who spoke earlier was now looking around unsure of what to do but quickly covers it up. She quickly started to make her way over to the side, away from everyone else. Some others noticed this too and looked at her in pity. On the other hand, there were about twenty or so who slowly made their way over to where she stood.

"Alright, off you go now." I wave them off.

They all turn around and head on over to the pack house and I turn my attention back on the people in front of me.

"Sorry for all that drama. Now, we will not let their absence hurt us. Today we will be taking it slow. Find a partner and then all you will have to do is hand to hand combat. No wolf just yet. Spar for the next hour and then you guys are good to go. Any questions?" I instruct.

Nobody has any questions so I clap my hands together and send them off. I sit and watch them all and comment on a few of them taking in their fighting strategies. I talked with a pair and gave them a few tips on how to block an attack and how to make an attack without the other noticing. All in all, today's lessons went well.

Currently, I am sitting in my bedroom waiting for Beth so I can go do my own training but I'm thinking she might have forgotten. I still need to talk to Lucian about the blood thing and I'm hoping he won't freak out.

Right on cue, the cream colored door of the room opened revealing the one and only Lucian. Well, better get it over with.

"Hey..." I say

"Hello, what happened?"

"We need to talk."

Moon goddess help me out here, I don't want to die just yet.

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