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Hell was strikingly normal. Something, Annalise for one, had never expected. It was almost like earth. Key word there, almost. There were area's she had no access to, where screams and cries tore out of the throats of the damned. But other than that, it was fairly pleasant, all things considered.

There were houses, streets and villages. Markets, food, people! If she closed her eyes hard enough, she could almost pretend that she was back up with Gene, and her friends. There was one, striking difference, however.

One that made her almost want to turn back. To stuff all of this, and go back home where it was safe, warm and cosy. The Seven Trials of Hell. Otherwise known as the Demon trials. A series of seven complicated tasks each new demon must undertake in order to instate their place in hell, and earn their title.

Annalise had to do it.

She had no other choice. Not if she wanted to return to Gene any time soon.

Her Auntie, though concerned, had insisted on it, their eight months of training had all led up to this. To this one moment. And while she could control her powers now, the telekinesis she'd had as a ghost and a newly formed cursed black fire (inherited from her father, Astaroth had said). It was clear she was at a huge disadvantage.

In the end, she was still part human. In the eyes of the demons around her, she was weak. A target had been painted on her back the moment she had taken two steps in hell. As she stood at the gates of the Seven Trials, two large golden arches. Only one thought resounded in her mind, as she took her first steps into the arena. Heart pounding in her ears. Hands shaking.

She would do it. Annalise would pass all Seven Trials. Not for her. But for Gene.


The moment Annalise left, shit hit the proverbial fan. When Vitus died he left a parade of angry, lost supernaturals in his wake. The revolution didn't just stop because he did. Their beliefs didn't stop being so resolute. So, Eugene had to take up the empty space Vitus had left.

Being head of the Modesto Clan was a lot harder than it was made out to be. Being in control of hundreds of different vampires was not something Eugene was used to. Nor was he comfortable with. But it had to be done. And it had to be done quickly. There were a range of Vitus devotee's wandering around the world, under the guidance of a new leader.


If what his vampires had been informing him was true, then Armarous, Annalise's true father, was the head of the new revolution. A leader to lose lost in the aftermath of Vitus' death. But, there weren't only Vampires following this new regime anymore, but werewolves, fae, witches and more. Any rogue supernatural Armarous could enlist.

And slowly, ever so slowly, the revolution was edging closer. Strange deaths had been littering the news like a pandemic. A politician here, an internet influencer there, anyone who had any kind of sway on the population was being targeted. All killed in quite literally inhuman ways. Some were drained of their blood, others were torn to ribbons. Some vanished into thin air.

But they all had one thing in common. Armarous. Eugene ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, admittedly, he needed to get it cut. It was growing out into loose, blonde curls, but he just simply didn't have the time.

For one, he needed to gain more of a control on his new Clan. Those who had stayed believed in him, sure. They believed in his ideals, or else they wouldn't have even been there in the first place. But, Gene could tell their loyalty was shaky at best. He needed them to trust him. And that could only happen with time. Time and effort.

Secondly, Eugene needed to keep on top of the new supernatural Revolution. He needed to know their next move before they did. Who was doing it, why, and where. He couldn't let Armarous and his followers keep on killing humans. Because next, next they would move onto supernaturals. Anyone who didn't believe in their ideals would be a slain victim.

He just couldn't let that happen.

They wanted to burn their existence into the history of the world, to expose all supernaturals to humanity, to overthrow and destroy any traces of humans left. Eugene and plenty of other supernaturals wanted to stay hidden, craved the anonymity it provided. They would come out, when they were ready too, and peacefully at that. When humanity was ready for it.

They were preparing for war. So much so, he had already made pacts with several Vampire, Werewolf, and Fae Clans.

Eugene had to do it, he had to lead the new clan into victory, into a new future. If not for him, but for Annalise. So she had a home to come back to, when she returned from hell.

He just didn't think he could

Authors Note:

Soooo, its here. The long awaited sequel of The Vampire and The Ghost. I hope you like this prologue. I just wanted to introduce you into the world of this second book and give you a look into the lives of Annalise and Eugene and how its been, this year they've been apart. I hope you like it!

I've worked really hard on this sequel so i hope you give it a chance! 

Thank you so much for all the love on my previous book, i hope this one can live up to it :) 

Lots of love, 


Word Count:949

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