Dicks, Dicks, Dicks, and like... two Chicks

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You know what I absolutely despise about most of Wattpad?

Out of all the cliches I've seen on here, this one, this one just bugs me out so freaking much. It basically has me slamming my head against the frigging keyboard because why would someone think this is okay? Why is this one of the most pungent of the reoccurring themes on this site?

I feel like, and some of you may disagree, but- God, it gets me so friggin' ticked- whenever there is a woman who is in power, it's like the entire community is mindfucked. Like, they are grasping for ways to explain this to themselves. They're like: WHAT? Girls that can KICK ASS? WHAT IS THIS? ARE WE ON EARTH? IS THIS AIR I'M BREATHING OR AM I SHOTGUNNING SOME BACK-ALLEY DRUG?

I find it hilarious that the entire plot and character arc of OWCs are the fact that they're girls. Like yes, that is a huge character builder, considering that when you have a vagina, it becomes synonymous with weak and delicate, which, yeah- that's nice, I guess, but girls aren't weak. Like. Have you realized that women, and I mean all women, haven't had the right to vote, for like- sixty years? Or that, I don't know, the fact that for centuries, women were basically equal in value as livestock? Or the fact that mothers and fathers prayed for sons?

Do you know how strong women are?

We bleed. We bleed out of vaginas every month because our ovaries are trying to more or less commit suicide. We can get literally have babies. We create fricking babies. We have lifeforms, in our bodies. We are the finite home for the future of the world. Our internal body situates itself around a baby, it moves and pushes like... our organs where organs aren't supposed to touch. And then, when this precious life comes out of us, a watermelon comes out of a hole fit for like....the width of a cucumber.

And then, if not to top it off, we breastfeed these children. They literally drink out of chicks' tits. Like. There is going to be a mouth there. On day. That is there for innocent food.

We're built to create life, and the best thing you people can give me is every single girl in your book be characterized as weak-willed and leaning on a man for guidance.

Like... bullshit. Bullshit.

And then, oh, when the protagonist is a girl, and that's it. It's like... "I'm a girl. And an Alpha," and everyone around her is like "WHAT?!?! VAGiNAS EQUALS STRONG?!"

No. No.

And you know what I'm tired of? People slinking away in their books and putting one chick in power, and looking at her and then continues to write about a patriarchal world where 1 to 1000 women are actually strong, is shit. You know how many women you should have that are are fucking strong? All of them.

I understand this can't be in every book. Because, as much as I love seeing women being strong, sometimes they need to have weaknesses.

But you know what you writers forget to add in?

Weak men. Weak boys. Weak males.

Like. I'm tired of reading about headstrong, tough, gritty men with whiskey-rough voices, where the only thing that could possibly rip their 2-dimensional soul apart is the death or kidnapping or hurting of their mate.

Yes. I understand that losing someone you love can make you hysterical and sad and scared.

But you know what else is scary?

The dark. Small dogs. Weird yoga positions. Bad grammar. Embarrassment. Guns. Holes in people's faces.

You know what else is freaking interesting to add to spice up your fearless male?

(un-romanticized) Disorders.

Like, you know what else is more interesting than a man trying to save his family or maybe his pack, if he's an Alpha? A man who is battling anorexia, or insomnia, or OCD, or ADD, or PTSD, trying to save his family.

Think of it. Think of someone trying to desperately clutch onto hope, and his insomnia keeps him up at night, staring up at the ceiling and wondering and clutching at blankets and screaming at the top of his lungs because he can't fall asleep and he's so afraid, he's so scared, that everything is going to fall apart.

Or maybe complexes.

Even though they can be annoying, almost every good character has one.

Guilt complex, daddy complex, student complex. C'mon. They make a character so much more real.

Like. I love weak boys> I love weak boys. I love reading about them. I like seeing how they overcome- or don't- the impossible. Just like girl characters. That's what writing and reading is about. Character development, watching characters grow, learning from them, and showing morals and learning new lessons.

C'mon. I know there are kick-ass writers out there. I know.

If you're describing you're book like:

"His name is Theos. He is strong. He is fearless. He is feral. He never had a weakness... Until OC came."

You need to reevaluate your writing. I'm serious. Don't waste your time on this. Skip this stepping stone, because trust me, you absolutely do not need to write things like this.

If you create perfect characters, you aren't going to have room for mistakes they make.

Make them scared. Make them the shadow of your youth.

Remember that time you were scared? When you hid beneath a pile of blankets, and you were too young to have a phone and too stupid to keep your lamp on? Remember when you thought you heard that monster, the one you thought about every time your parent kissed your forehead before they tucked you in? Maybe you were alone, or maybe your sibling was in the mattress over, or your best friend is tucked right beside you in the bed- and you both shouldn't have watched that stupid monster movie, but you did anyways.

And then you hear that creak, the one where you freeze and you feel like there is ice wrapping around your spine- and you can't scream, or maybe you want to, but you know your parents will be mad, so you don't. And you stay there, quiet, and you've never been really religious because you're seven, but suddenly you're asking every celestial being you've ever heard of for protection.

Give your character that. Build that fear into them. Put your own weaknesses into them.

But don't forget, that as you grew older, that you learned that the creaking you thought was a demon tapping its fingers on your window, was just the bathroom's leaky faucet.

Give your OC growth. Give them lessons. Teach them to fear, teach them to love, teach them to be brave.

Make this personal, okay.

You have to make this personal.





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