Chapter Ten

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“Who entereth herein, a conqueror hath bin;

Who slayeth the dragon, the shield he shall win.”

                                                                            Chapter Ten

 Sunshine greeted my eyes the next morning. For once I had a peaceful sleep. Every tension in my body seemed to have vanished overnight. The simple act of telling Mr. Kennedy the things that had haunted me for nine years seemed to have revived me somehow. I smiled when I saw the sunlight and instantaneously jumped out of bed and did a twirl around my bedroom. I could feel better days ahead of me. Mr. Kennedy was going to take me away from this miserable house—away from Roderick’s madness.

            Letty knocked at the door.

            “You may come in,” I said with a laugh.

            The first thing I saw was Letty peeking her head curiously into the room. She seemed confused by my laughter. “Are you alright, my Lady?”

            “Yes! Please come in.”

            Letty fully entered, closing the door shut. “You seem in a good mood.”

            “I am in a good mood. Today is a wonderful day to go outside, don’t you think?”

            Infected by my happiness, Letty finally smiled and proceeded to go about our morning routine.

            I later ran down the stairs to attend breakfast. I ran into Mr. Kennedy in the main hall and threw my arms around him.

            “You look well this morning,” he said, once he pried me off his body.

            “You know why,” I said in a hushed whisper, barely able to contain my smile.

            He looked around. “Don’t be too happy too soon. We don’t need to alert Roderick of anything suspicious.”

            I grabbed his arm and narrowed my eyes. “Roderick’s not here, is he?” I said in a suggestive manner. I leaned towards him and gave him a kiss on the lips. “Breakfast, Mr. Kennedy?” I asked, twirling away towards the dining room.

            I had been waiting my whole life to escape this house. There was absolutely nothing that could spoil that.

                                                                            *          *          *

            Mr. Kennedy and I sat outside together later that afternoon. He had suggested bringing a blanket, but I was already out the door, forcing him to follow after me.

            I was lying on my back, the grass brushing against my neck. I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the sunlight. For once my body felt warm.

            “Madeline, I’ve come up with a plan,” Mr. Kennedy said.

            I sat up, brushing the grass off my shoulders.

            “Will tomorrow night work?”

            “So soon?” I asked.

            “Is that a problem?” He picked a blade of piece grass from my hair.

            I shook my head. “No. It’s just, I don’t want to rush into things and somehow the plan collapse over us.”

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