Part 1: And So It Begins

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You were born into a damaged and struggling world. Your mom gave you up when you were only a couple of days old. You grew up alongside your older sister Ellie, with a lady named Marlene taking care of the two of you. You and your sister were close and she was always looking out for you. You also became friends with her best friend Riley. About three weeks ago in the middle of the night, while you were asleep, Riley and your sister snuck out. While they were gone, both Riley and Ellie were bitten by infected, but only Ellie walked out of there. It was a mystery to you, she was immune and you had no idea why or how. You were saddened by the loss of your longtime friend but relieved that you still had your sister. You were currently waiting for Marlene to return. She was out trying to get someone to bring you and Ellie to some Fireflies that knew of a doctor that would be able to create a vaccine for the infected. To everyone that knew, Ellie's immunity was the key to freedom. You didn't need to go along but you wouldn't go anywhere without her. You sighed and looked at your sister, "we've never been outside, I mean what if something bad happens?". "Y/n, it'll be fine. Stop worrying so much" Ellie replied and ruffled your hair a bit. You frowned and took a deep breath. Suddenly Marlene came crashing through the door and to the ground. A guy you've never seen before tried to help her up and that's when your sister pulled out her knife and walked up to them, "get the fuck away from her". Another lady grabbed her hand to stop her from attacking. "Let her go" Marlene said as the lady did what she asked. "You're recruitin' kind of young, aren't ya?" the man asked in a gravely voice. Marlene got up, "she's not one of mine". You stood off to the side, wary of the new people faced before you. "Shit. What happened? Ellie asked as she looked at Marlene's wound. "Don't worry. This is fixable. I got us help. But I can't come with you" Marlene said. "Well then I'm staying" Ellie replied, stubborn. "Ellie, we won't get another shot at this" said Marlene. "She's right El" you speak up. "Hey - We're smuggling her?" the man asked, clearly confused. You doubted that Marlene told him why. "There's a crew of Fireflies that'll meet you at the Capitol building" Marlene answered. "That's not exactly close" the lady spoke up. "You're capable. You hand the both of them off, come back, the weapons are yours. Double what Robert sold me" Marlene replied. "Speaking of which - where are they?" the lady asked. "Back in our camp" said Marlene. "We're not smuggling shit until I see them" the lady said back. "You'll follow me. You can verify the weapons. I can get patched up. But they aren't crossing to that part of town. I want Joel to watch over them" Marlene said, looking between you and Ellie. Ellie immediately protested, "bullshit! We're not going with him". "Ellie..." Marlene said in a stern voice. "How do you know them?" Ellie asked, trying to find a way to trust the strangers. "I was close with his brother, Tommy. Said if I was ever in a jam I could rely on him" Marlene answered honestly. "Was that before or after he left your little militia group?" Joel asked sarcastically. "He left you too. He was a good man" Marlene stated. The two strangers whispered for a second and you went over to Ellie with an unsure look on your face. "Marlene..." Ellie tried. "No more talking. The both of you will be fine. Now go with him" Marlene said and stood up. "Don't take long. And both of you - stay close. Let's go" Joel said. Ellie took your hand, gave one last look to Marlene and followed behind him. When you got outside you saw a lot of dead bodies and tensed up. You may have been living in a post apocalyptic world but as a young 12 year old, you'd never get used to a dead body. You followed him until he moved a big dumpster to be able to get to a staircase. You let go of Ellie's hand as she jumped up on to the dumpster. "Come on bud" Ellie said and offered her hand to you. She helped you up on the dumpster and then on to the stairs. She took your hand again as you walked through an old hallway. Ellie and Joel went back and forth in conversation but you just focused on your feet. You then made it to a door and Joel opened it, "this is it". You walked in but just looked around awkwardly as he lied down on the couch. "What are you doing?" your sister asked. "Killing time" he said back and closed his eyes. "Well, what are we supposed to do?" Ellie asked. "I am sure you will figure that out" Joel said. "Your watch is broken" Ellie said and walked towards the window. Joel made a noise and then fell asleep. Ellie sat in a chair near the window and you sat on the floor next to her. "I don't like this El" you told her and frowned. She put her hand on your shoulder and squeezed it. "It'll be alright, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you. We'll be okay little bro" Ellie replied back. You tried to believe her, it was just hard to feel optimism in a world like this. Ellie got up and looked around for something, she came back with a pillow and handed it to you. "Here, try and get some sleep, you need to relax" she said. You nodded and placed the pillow down, you lied next to the chair as she sat down again. The floor wasn't totally comfortable but you fell asleep after a few minutes. You awoke a few hours later to a door opening. The lady from before was talking, "hey. Sorry it took so long. Soldiers fuckin' everywhere". You sat up and rubbed your eyes, you looked to the window and saw it had gotten dark. "How's Marlene?" your sister asked. "She'll make it" the lady said. She started talking to Joel, "I saw the merchandise. It's a lot. Wanna do this?". "Yeah" Joel said. "Let's go" the lady said and walked towards a different door, leading towards the tunnels. Ellie looked back at you and smiled a little, nodding her head towards the door "come on bud". You had a frown on your face but reluctantly joined your sister. Joel started up a generator to power the elevator you were on. "Who's waitin' for us at the drop off?" Joel asked the girl. "She said that there's some Fireflies that have traveled all the way from another city. Girl must be important. What is the deal with you? You some big-wig's daughter or something?" the lady asked your sister. "Something like that" Ellie said back. "Ellie, once we get out there I need to make sure you watch him and stay close" the lady said. "Don't worry, I got him" Ellie said and took your hand. You crawled through a little tunnel and then climbed up a ladder that lead outside. You looked around a little stunned and a lot scared. The rain was cold on your face and you shivered a little. Ellie smiled at you, "this is it y/n, we're doing it". You tried to show the same enthusiasm back but you just couldn't. You followed them through some sort of cart when you saw Joel get hit and go down. A soldier pointed a gun and flashlight at you, you raised your hands in fear. "Don't do anything stupid" the female soldier said. "Move" a male soldier said and you followed your sister out of the cart with your hands still up. "Turn around. On your knees" the female soldier said. You did as you were told and looked over at your sister. She looked at you softly, trying to reassure you. "You scan 'em. I'll call it in" the female soldier said. "Alright" the male soldier responded. "Put your hands on your head" he instructed and you listened. "This is Ramirez at Sector Twelve. Requesting pickup for four stragglers. Understood" the lady soldier talked over her radio. He scanned the woman and Joel, you got scared as he got to Ellie. You knew what was about to go down and you looked at her. "What's the ETA?" the male soldier asked. "Couple minutes" the female soldier responded. You panicked, took out your knife and stabbed the male soldier in the knee. Ellie tried to grab his gun but he hit her away. The soldier almost got a shot off but Joel tackled him and took care of him. The lady took care of the female soldier. You stared, stunned. "oh... Oh, fuck. I thought we were just gonna hold them up or something" Ellie said, also stunned. The lady then picked up the scanner and looked at it, "oh, shit. Look". You already knew what it said, this wouldn't go over well. You went to stand by your sisters side. "Jesus Christ. Marlene set us up? Why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl?" he asked. "I'm not infected" Ellie tried to defend. "No? So was this lying?" Joel asked back sarcastically. "I can explain" your sister said. "You better explain fast" the lady said and held her gun tighter. Ellie uncovered her bite mark and showed them, "look at this!". "I don't care how you got infected" Joel said. "It's three weeks old" Ellie explained. "No. Everyone turns within two days. So you stop bullshitting" the woman said. "It's three weeks. I swear. Why would she set you up?" Ellie said. "I ain't buying it" Joel said and turned away. "She isn't lying!" you yelled out. Then you noticed he was looking at something, lights in the distance. You realized, more soldiers. You were in deep shit.

(A/n - hey everyone, hoped you enjoyed. It's a little slow but most stories are in the beginning, you'll definitely say more things and get more character development as the story goes on. This was supposed to be out almost a week ago but I ended up getting sick the day I was supposed to post, then I had to go to work while I was still sick and then sadly my dog passed away so it was a hard week. I'll try to get the next chapter out faster!)

The Last Of Us Part I + II x Male Child ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα