7. blake

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There's only one person I would wait for. That person is you.

Ty's POV

I grab my bag from the trunk and Kaydon takes the football. The car locks and we both walk towards Blake and Cameron's house. I spot Harry's black car and Carol's is nowhere to be seen.

"I wonder why Harry is here," Kaydon murmurs as we stop in front of the front door. "He better not be saying shit to Cam or Blake."

"Carol too," I add.

Kaydon nudges me, football still in hand a bag on his shoulder. "You still okay with Cam?" I nod. Blake's words have been playing in my head over and over. I've been a dick and I hate that, I just can't find a way to get her out of my mind and his words out of my mind.

I knock on the dark wooden door twice and we wait for an answer. When no one did, Kaydon tries opening the door and it does. We look at each other before slowly walking in and I close the door gently behind us.

As we keep on walking in from the living room, I hear loud commotion in the kitchen. I put a hand out to Kaydon when we reach the kitchen area and we both freeze as we stare at the three people in front of us.

"You're such a fucking liar!" Blake laughs humorlessly. His hair sticking out from his beanie. His white sweatshirt is rolled up to his elbows and the veins in his arms are popping out from frustration. Harry on the other hand looks perfectly calm with a beer in his hand.

Cameron is leaning against the counter next to blake with folded arms and dead-set eyes on Harry. Her lips form a frown and I feel Kaydon next to me tense up.

"I'm not a liar, son." Harry rolls his eyes and takes a swig of the beer bottle, finishing the last of it. I can just imagine the smell of it up close. "I did what was best for you."

"You don't even know what was best for him!" Cameron shouted, a shocked smile on her face. "Are you fucking kidding me?" she has that psychotic smile on before shit goes to ruins.

Harry sets the beer bottle on the table. "Cameron, you don't need to be in this conversation."

"I do need to because you're drinking a beer, no not a beer, you drank three for the last half an hour! This is our home, our mom left because she was sick of you coming in and taking our stuff! She's buying more groceries because of you!" she takes off of the counter and stand in front of Harry with eyes searching his face.

"You don't have a say on what I do, you just focus on your fucking self."

She walks past him and us and stormed right up the stairs. Kaydon and I have no clue what to do but Blake and Harry just continues on and we both stand there clueless.

We haven't seen this happen in front of us and we're literally clueless.

"Just admit you're a liar, a manipulator, an alcoholic, and that you enjoy hurting mom on purpose." Blake attacks at Harry with his sharp words, causing Harry to freeze in place. "Why don't you just actually go to the church across a few blocks from here instead?"

Harry snorts, "And why would I do that? You know I'm not religious."

"Well it's better to confess in private to God so you won't get embarrassed right?" Harry rolls his eyes. Blake has a way to make terrible jokes in the middle of serious things and we almost laugh.

Always with You | BOOK #2 OF ITS YOU TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now