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"What kind of workout?"

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"What kind of workout?"

Adonis was telling me at the breakfast table that I'll have to start working out to gain muscle and strength. I thought you do it only to lose weight but guess I was wrong.

"I was thinking swimming maybe. Cause it's easy and efficient and you won't  have to worry about other physical activities either."

"But I can't swim."

"We'll teach you. You used to love the water when you were a baby."

As he said that I realized how much I don't know about myself, how much I've missed. I could've had all this from the very beginning. It got me thinking.

Did they miss me when I was gone?

Were they sad?

Why did momma take me away?

Why did no one find me?

Did they not want me?

So many questions and no answers at all.

"Astrid," Adonis' voice brought me out of my thoughts. "I was just saying that your tutor's here. Are you ready to meet her?"

Now I'm nervous. But I still nodded.

"Alright come on," Adonis had a gentle smile as usual, "she's waiting in dad's office."

As we made our way to papa's office I thought of everything that could go wrong. What if she hates me? Or she thinks I'm dumb? What if I make a fool of myself? Or maybe she'll tell papa that I'm stupid and he'll stop my education-

My thoughts were interrupted as Adonis put his arm around my shoulder and brought me close to him. "Don't worry, you're brilliant."

Those words calmed my racing heart almost immediately.

I gave him a small smile and knocked on the huge double doors.

"Come in."

I walked in and turned to see Adonis giving me a thumbs up. I did the same and he chuckled.

"Astrid, sit." Papa gestured to the unoccupied chair on his desk. "She's Mrs. Gibbs and she's going to be your tutor."

I gulped and greeted her. She seems like a sweet lady in her late fifties or early sixties. She had a lot of smile wrinkles indicating that she smiled a lot.

"Hello dear." She said with a smile that looks a little forced.

Does she not like me? Maybe she doesn't want to teach me. I mean who'd want to teach a teenager who knows absolutely nothing.


After talking about our schedule and a few other stuff papa said I can go. I sprung out of my seat and went on Daemon hunt. That's funny. I giggled forgetting my earlier distress.


I was waiting for Astrid in the living room when I heard her giggling

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I was waiting for Astrid in the living room when I heard her giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

She again let out a small giggle and shook her head.

"So how'd it go? Do you like her? If you don't then that's ok we'll get someone else." I bombarded her with questions, my anxiety getting the best of me.

"No I like her you don't need to get someone else."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Were you looking for something?"

"Daemon," she answered with a nod.

I grinned. She has taken a liking towards Daemon in a really short time. That's good, at least she's learning to trust someone. I am not jealous.

"He had to go on a business trip early this morning. He wanted to meet you but it was really urgent, he'll be back in a few days though."

Her face fell and my heart ached. I'll have to ask Daemon not to go anywhere until she's comfortable with us.

"Do you want to try swimming now? It's ok of you don't, it's just a suggestion."

"Will you teach me?" She inquired in her soft voice.

"Of course."


I have a few swimsuits, courtesy to Adrian, but I'm not sure if I want to wear them

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I have a few swimsuits, courtesy to Adrian, but I'm not sure if I want to wear them. My scars will be visible through them and I don't want that.

After a lot of debating I opted for spandex shirt and tights. This'll do.

As I walked down the stairs all I could think of was what of I'm not a good student and Adonis gets mad. Even though he doesn't look like someone who even knows how to get mad but neither did Jack.

I reached the bottom of the stairs where Adonis was waiting for me.

"It's raining outside so we'll have to use the indoor pool." Adonis informed me.

I really really love the rain. I wanted to go out and stand in the rain as I've never done it before, but I'm not sure if Adonis would allow that.

Almost as if he read my mind he asked, "Do you want to ditch swimming and go enjoy the rain?"

"Yes please," I quickly agreed.

"It's my favorite thing to do," Adonis confessed with a light chuckle.

I gave him a giddy smile and followed him out.

We both stepped into the drizzle and laughed. I don't know why we're laughing but it feels nice. It's been so long since I've laughed like this, since I've been happy.

I don't want to ever lose this happiness.


Hi, thank you guys for your patience and being with me.

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