Evan Beaton

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Full Name: Evangelina Arianna Beaton

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Full Name: Evangelina Arianna Beaton

Name: Evan Beaton

Nicknames: Evan, Gel, Gelina, Twinkle Toes, Tinker Bell, Aria, Anna, E
Eva, Ari, Lina, Babe, Baby (Reserved for Max only)

Height: 168.5 cm (5 Foot 6 Inches)

Age: 15/16 (Season One), 16 (Season 2), 16/17 (Season 3), 17 (Season 4)

Styles of Dance: Ballet, Contemporary, Hip Hop and Experimental Acro (This is like acro on steroids, where she uses people and other things with her acro.)

Best friends: West, James, Eldon, Giselle, Chloe, Michelle (Season 1-4), Hunter, Thalia (Season 2-4)

Friends: Daniel, Noah, Tiffany, Stephanie, Richelle,

Family: Emily (Twin Sister), Riley (Younger Sister), Unknown mother and father.

People she dislikes: All of Elite bar Max (Season 1-3), Amanda (Season 1-2), Lucien (Season 1-3), Quite a few more people.

Face Claim: Witney Carson


* She is a Pluviophile as she loves the sound of rain and it relaxes her and she more often then not will fall asleep when they hear rain falling.

* At first glance she looks intimidating, and when she is close with someone she is an absolute crackhead.

* She is ambidexterous.

* She is very independent.

* She is self sufficient, and doesn't like relying on people.

* She has Piebaldism, which means she has two strands of white hair at the front of her head, which she was embarrassed about, but she now loves.


Evangelina Beaton started dancing at The Next Step when she was two years old alongside her twin sister Emily, before their younger sister Riley joined them at the studio.

By Season 1 starts Evan has been at The Next Step for almost 14 years, and at the start of season 2 has been at The Next Step for 14 years.

At age 5, Evan met her best friend in Eldon as the boy had a gigantic crush on Evan's twin sister, Emily, but they were the best of friends. They were just the female and male versions of each other.

At age 7 Evan met Max, who she met at their shared school, before they started dating when Evan was 13 and Max was 14, as he is only 8 months older than her and they were in the same year as each other at school.

Also at age 7 Evan met James with Eldon as the boy joined the studio, and they became a trio that would be iconic for everyone.

When Evan entered A-Troupe, two years before the starting of Season One, she watched as her sister formed the E Girls, even as she refused to join them, but she loved to constantly get on the girls nerves in the group.

Then during her second year of being on the team Evan became the Deputy for the Dance Captain role, which was like Co Captain but Evan would just let Emily take control of it all as she didn't want to be the one to fire up most of the group she was friends with.

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