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Aurora leaned against the wall, her heart pounding in her chest like a jackhammer as she waited outside December's room. Ever since Luca said he found Niki, she hadn't been able to push any thoughts through to him. A barricade as strong as the walls of a fortress guarded his mind.

Was Niki okay? Luca said she was possessed by that snake. Aurora knew what that felt like. She knew how hard it was to come back to herself after that. Tears stung the backs of her eyes like tiny needles. What if Luca couldn't get Niki back?


She called out to him through the mind link once more, but all she heard back was empty static.

"It's going to be okay," December said as he emerged from his room. "Luca will make sure she's all right." He slid the door shut behind himself as Iris yipped on the other side. He'd insisted they take her to his room before doing anything else to ensure that she wouldn't get hurt, and Aurora agreed.

Iris's claws scratched against the door, and she let out a small whimper. December winced, his hands clenching in fists at his sides.

"She just wants to protect you," Aurora told him. She reached out, touching him lightly on the shoulder.

"I know," December said. "But I can't take her with us."

Aurora paused for a moment. She let her hand trail down his arm to his wrist, finally taking his hand lightly in hers. "She loves you."

December exhaled heavily through his nose. "I love her, too."

A silence as thick as March fog clouded the space around them. Aurora didn't know what to do or say next. She knew that she needed to give December space, but at the same time, she could sense that he needed to be comforted right now. And, she needed that comfort, too.

Aurora! December!

Luca's voice zapped through the mind link like a speaker blasting with the volume way too high. Aurora's mind rang like a bell, and her heart skipped a beat.

Luca! December responded before Aurora had the chance. Is Niki okay? Is everyone out of the building?

There was a second of silence, and then Luca's voice came through again. Niki is okay.

A wave of relief rushed over Aurora. Niki and Priscilla had been her best friends since their first year at Cypress Pass Academy. She couldn't imagine the idea of losing either of them.

Priscilla was able to help us get Niki back. Luca continued. She was able to connect with her.

Aurora's heart flooded with warmth and pride for her friends. They'd used the mind link—that had to be what Luca meant. They'd succeeded in doing something most werewolves only dreamed of accomplishing at such a young age.

Is everyone out? December repeated his question, interrupting Aurora's thoughts. We need to find that monster.

Yes, everyone's out, Luca replied. And I think I know where that woman is going. Niki heard her while she was possessed. She was able to pick up on what she was thinking—what she is trying to do.

What is it? Aurora sent the thought to the other two werewolves. Whatever it was, she and December would find her. They would stop her.

There's a reason why she's been trying to infiltrate our pack—to take back her land, like she told Aurora. But the thing is, the land she is trying to take back isn't something she wants our help gaining control over. It is our land.

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