Extra 2: Daddy Qin in Another World

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Qin Hospital, VVIP private room.

Mr. Qin suddenly opened his eyes.

"Sir, you wake up." Chen De's voice came from the side.

Qin Shao nodded and asked subconsciously: "Where are Xiaobei and Xiaobao?"

Chen De was taken aback: "Sir, what are you saying? Xiaobei, Xiaobao?"

At this time, Mr. Qin finally recovered from the dream: Here is not that world. In this world, Xiaobei and Xiaobao didn't come to find him.

Qin Shao didn't know how long he was in a coma. During this period, he experienced a long, long dream. It was started a few years ago, with the sudden appearance of two dirty children calling him 'Dad,' followed by their daily life and eventually getting closer as a family. He saw his children entering high school and going to college, he reluctantly sent his daughter to get married, had dinner with his son's future parents-in-law...

His life there was full of happiness and fulfillment. Recalling the memory, a smile flashed on Mr. Qin's eyes.

But the next second, he frowned deeply.

"Chen De."

"Yes, Sir?"

"Find two children as soon as possible. They are nineteen years old. The girl's name is Su Bei, the boy is Su Xiaobao. Spare no effort."

"I understand."

Chen De was about to ask for more details, but before he could open his mouth, he saw Mr. Qin pulled out the infusion needle from his hand and got up from the bed.

Chen De was surprised: "Sir, you..."

Qin Shao: "I'm going to N City in Hongxing County. Make arrangements right now."

Chen De: "Sir, you want to go in person? But your treatment is still..."

Hearing the word 'treatment,' Mr. Qin suddenly smiled coldly: "If I continue receiving treatment here, my life will soon be gone."

"Check the origin of the medicine and the people in this hospital. Song Yancheng is behind them."

With the memory of that life, Qin Shao knew that Song Yancheng had planted his people here. Although Qin Shao was heavily injured in that attack, the reason why his condition hadn't gotten better over the years was that Song Yancheng secretly tampered with his treatment.

Even the attack itself was orchestrated by Song Yancheng.

Chen De's complexion suddenly changed. Although he never thought that Song Yancheng dared to do this far, he didn't dare to doubt Mr. Qin's judgment.

"I'll investigate it right away." Chen De replied seriously. Afterward, he immediately arranged the trip to Hongxing County for Mr. Qin. Although he didn't know why his boss suddenly made this decision, he didn't dare to dissuade.

Prior to his departure, Mr. Qin delegated the task of investigating Song Group to Chen De: "Investigate carefully. When I come back, I want to know all the details of Song Group's capital flow, including the hidden ones. I also want to know all the things Song Yancheng did over the years, as well as the people he made contacts with."

"Don't worry, Sir. I will do it well."

Mr. Qin provided Chen De with some information. This information was truly shocking. Who ever imagined that the glamorous Song Group actually did so many illegal things in secret?

Is Mr. Qin finally ready to attack Song Group?

Chen De guessed so. In the past two years, because of Mr. Qin's recuperation, Qin Group was indeed much lower-key than before. But it didn't mean that they were already defeated.

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