What Makes You Real.

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⚠️ Contains Violence ⚠️

We've been down here for hours questioning these fools. They, in other words, have been dancing around the fucking questions. It's okay. Even dancing around the questions, they were still giving unknowingly vital information. Every day for the past month, they've been beaten, tortured, and bludgeoned. Still haven't given up anything. Not the information we truly needed anyways. Lucian our 15-year-old brother, who will be 16 in a few months. Has been letting his anger out on these two.

Dad's idea.

Always dad's idea!

We never wanted him down here, but dad think it would be a great way to release his pent up anger.

"Why did you take my sister.!?" Renzo asks.

"To watch you fall and take what was rightfully mine." He snarls.

What is this batshit crazy man on?



Bath salts?

A little of all three maybe?!

"What do you mean?" Nikolai snaps. He doesn't answer quick enough. Before you could blink Lucian takes his knife and plunges it into this vile man's thigh. His screams filled the air.

"Same spot you stabbed Gems in. Isn't it?" Lucian snarls.

I don't think I've seen Lucian this angry in like never.

It is kind of scary if you ask me.

"Took to long to answer." Renzo says with a smug look.

"He has anger he needs to release." I say with my own shrug.

"Has your dad ever told you who I am?" The man spat. We all look at each other than look over to our father with a puzzled look.

Who is this idiot?

I'm you and you are me. How would I know if you don't?

"I take he hasn't. Let me tell you who I am." He says with a sickly laugh.

Who is this sick fucktard?

How does dad know this man.

I have a feeling we're about to find out what is in dad's skeleton box.

I don't think any of us will like it.

"Rocco Monet." He says.

"Okay? And that name should ring a bell to me why? Does it ring any bells for you?" Nikolai asks sarcastically.

"Nope." I answer while popping the p.

"Never heard of it." Renzo says coldly.

"Your uncle." He states with a chuckle. Those last two words make all our faces pale. All he does is cackle like a crazed mad person.

"You see. Our dear old dad. Your grandfather. Giovanni Rossi before Belisencia came into the picture. Was promised to my mother Genevieve Monet. It was a treaty of sorts between the two mafias. My mother was from the French Mafia. As for the obvious. Giovanni was going to be the don of the Italian Mafia. All was well, I mean I was born. As you can see. But before they could actually sign the treaty and become married. Belisencia came into the picture. She was another Mafia's daughter, who controlled the lower part of Italy. She came back from her studies. My mother and I stood no chance. He left us. Well, kicked us back to France. He spent some time chasing down her. The peace treaty didn't matter. My mother didn't matter. I didn't matter. Dear ole dad took over this mafia. Married Beli. Had three more sons. Handed the mafia over to his 'oldest' son. That was my rightful position. Yet, he handed it over to Lucifer. It was mine! He destroyed my mother. So! I decided to destroy his family. I watched as Luciano crumbled when he's wife was bludgeoned to death. I watched as he spiraled out of control when his twins went missing. One brother, second in command, down for the count. I couldn't get Lucifer's weakness. Kia.... She was always so guarded. So, that weakness was out of the equation. His sons... They were well trained at a young age. The youngest ones were also well guarded. Then came the triplets. I found everyone's weakness after the last one was born." He rants out. His villainous cackles could be heard in this silent room.

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