Chapter 16- Ready

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I grunt as I pull my wrists against the ice-cold handcuffs that were chained to the floor. No matter how hard I yanked, the chains weren't budging. The only dent I was able to make was the purple bruises on my wrists from pulling so hard. I collapse on the floor and sigh.

When I woke up about an hour ago, Varian was nowhere to be found. I was able to piece together relatively quickly that the green powder he threw in my face was some sort of sleep-inducing mist, and that he chained me up so I wouldn't be able to escape when I awoke.

I let out a sigh when I saw Varian had also managed to trap Dandelion inside of a metal crate. The small rabbit looks at me with wide eyes, and her nose twitches in fear. "It's okay, Dandelion. We'll get out of here, I promise!" I tried to put on a confident face even though I had no idea how to escape.

Suddenly the door to Varian's lab opens, and Varian strolls in with a proud smug look on his face. His eyes land on me. "Oh good, you're up."

I stand up and try to get as close to Varian as my restraints would allow. "What the heck, Varian? Why are you doing this?"

"I couldn't just let you go." Varian laughs. "You would've told Rapunzel and my plan would be ruined!" He slowly walks over to me and places his index finger underneath my chin. He lifted my head so I was making eye contact with him. "Besides, someone had to be bait."

My eyes widen in horror. I yank against the chains. "No! I refuse to be some pawn in your game!"

Varian fake pouts. "Aww, don't be like that, darling. I thought you wanted to help me. You did say you would never leave."

Tears fill my eyes and I jerk my head out of Varian's hand. "I said that to the old Varian! The sweet, caring, selfless Varian I know and love. You've changed Var...I miss the old you."

"The old me was a fool!" Varian stomps his foot on the floor. "I tried doing things the civil way and believed this kingdom would come to help in my time of need. Now if I have to use force to get what I want, so be it."

I turn away from him. I try to hold back the tears that were threatening to break through any moment now. I will not let Varian see me cry.

Varian's tone softens as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and rests his head on my shoulder. "Don't worry about anything. Once this is all over, we can finally be together; just like we always wanted."

I jab Varian with my elbow and walk away from him. "I never wanted this."

"Fine." Varian coldly says. "Leave me. Just like everyone else."


The sun had begun to set when Varian left his lab again. When he returned the moon was high in the sky.

"Where did you run off to?" I ask, not making eye contact with my captor.

"I was just delivering a message to the dear people of Corona."

I didn't need to ask Varian to elaborate. I knew exactly what he had done. He told Rapunzel that if she didn't come and follow his orders, she would never see me again. I hated feeling so helpless. My whole world is falling apart and there's nothing I can do to stop it!

"Don't look so sad," Varian says, glazing over at me. "You had your chance."

I ignore his comment. "So you free your father...then what?"

"Oh...well I'm afraid Corona will pay for turning their backs on me. And that's when you should start worrying."

I gasp and stand up. "Varian, please! Don't do this! This isn't right!"

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now