Chapter 7

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Hail to the Maharaj and Maharani!!

"Yuvraj Arjun and Princess Subhadra have just crossed the city Border... they would be reaching the Palace any moment." Sevak announced.

"So Early!! , It is impossible for the  prosession to travel so fast!" I was Shocked

"No Maharani, Their prossesion is far Behind
Yuvraj and Princess are alone" He said.

"Alone?? What do you mean!"  I was confused why were they not travelling with their procession and Guards.

"They are Racing towards the palace Maharani ! " Sevak explained.

I had heard that Dwarka Princess is known for her elegant Beauty and now she was riding the horse in such weather in unkown City... You are really a enigma Princess subhadra.

"My Sister had not changed at all ! ...Arjun would surely Loose this time!" Arya Bheem Boomed.

"Yeah! Bhrata Arjun is surely is for ride... Come on ! , lets see who wins... wanna bet Jhest bhrata? we bet subhi would Win! right bhrata Bheem?" Arya Nakul asked

"Offource Arya Arjun would Win..he is very competative, He won't loose!" I interjected.

"Lets see Panchali! Shall we go and welcome them, and Congratulate the winner" Arya Sahadev Smirked.


"See Arjun and Subhadra are neck to neck... its any one's game" Arya Nakul said.

"I am sure subhi will win" Arya Bheem seemed too confidant.

They were just about to cross the palace boundry but Suddenly Arya Arjun stopped and shot an arrow in the sky to make a shower of flowers on Subhadra as she took her First step in the palace.

"I won Vijay!" she laughed Back.

"Offcourse My darling" Arya Arjun picked and twirled her around. " Welcome to your New Home." Arya arjun welcomed her ...He seemed so carefree...he had that soft look of love in his eyes for her.

Since our marriage I had never seen this look on his Face, I had seen him Happy, Seen his anger, seen him Calculative and Authorative but never like this..

"Put me down!! Everyone is watching She chuckled shyly.

" Yes put her down...I want to meet my baby sister.. subhi come here!" Arya Bheem shouted at them.. Hearing this she Blushed evenmore, but Arya Arjun was in no mood to leave.. he seemed so carefree, jovial, there was a glow of Love on his face, She slightly pushed him back made a run towards Arya Bheem, who was ready to take her in his arms. They shared a joyfull reunion.

"Enough Bhrata Bheem! we are still waiting for her" Arya Nakul complained and Arya Sahadev seemd to agree with his brother.

"So my Bhrata Nakul and Sahadev still behold the quality to complain? " she asked and hugged them Both and turned towards Arya Yusdishtir.

"Only My Bhrata Yusdishtir seemed to be grown up...Pranipat Maharaj Yudishtir" she took his Blessing.

"But you have turned  partial for me sister, greating your this brother with such Formality" Arya Yudishtir said and pinched her cheeks

"Because my this Brother is the King and I am the newly wedded wife of his Anuj, It is my dharma as his wife to offer my Respects to his King! and He himself once told me that Dharma preceeds everything!" She explained.

"No one can defeat you in the battle of words,
My Blessings are always with you!" He Blessed her...

"Hey!!!!.... you all have forgoten me, I am still standing here" Arya Arjun cried playfully.

"We can never forget you anuj! welcome Back!"Arya Bheem said and all five Brothers shared a group hug, But my attention was still on Dwarka Princess.

One moment she was behaving as a freespirit and next she turned into matured Princess Following every protocol of newly wedded wife, She is surely a mystery

"You must be Maharani Draupadi! Forgive me for my attire... Pranipat Samragi!" She smiled and touched my feets.

"Sada Saubhagyawati Bhava Princess" I made her stand..

"I would like to apologise to you on behalf my Husband in Failing to keep your Promise... Please Forgive us..... It would be in your right to ask me to leave... and I would gladly accept it." She said.

So humble at such a young age... She was truly something else.

"Thankyou Panchali for accepting Subhadra and me.. Your acceptance is truly Valuable.. I am very much thankfull to you!" Arya Arjun said

"There is no need to Thank me Arya, I know you have loved her for a Long time ... I am truly Happy for you and Princess there is no need of apology! I have seen Arya longing for you, he Loves you a Lot, and I Love him a Lot... So It would be wrong for me to separate you from him...His wishes are mine to fullfill.. So welcome Kumari! your home awaits you!" I said ushering them inside.

"Thank you Maharani, But we must wait here outside for few moments, Bua Kunti would be arriving any moment!" She said.

"Mata ? But we have not received any message as such, Did we Arya Yudishtir?"


"Putr Arjun !  Putri Subhadra !" We turned and saw Mata Kunti walking towards us..we were shocked Nobody was aware that she would come visit us today.

"Pranipat Mata! Pranipat Bua!" They took her blessings

"Mata you Here? We did'nt knew you were coming today? and Subhadra how did you know about this?" Arya Yudishtir asked and we all took her blessings.

"I had the Intuition, that we will meet today!" She said simply.


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