On subliminals

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There is a lot of mixed feelings surrounding subliminals... Do they work? are they bad? how do you use them? what even are they?

Subliminals are like pre made manifestations. Subliminal messaging that goes into your subconscious and effects your conscious mind. Subliminals are videos you can find on youtube, usually with nice visuals and music to go with them. They are filled with messages that go into your brain, and are quite powerful, because usually it's visuals and subliminal messaging. Double manifestation!
You don't have to pay as much attention to subliminals though, because they are subliminal messaging. ([of a stimulus or mental process] below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.) Meaning you can play them while you shower, sleep, do homework, read, dance, whatever! the messaging is getting into your brain, and having a strong effect. It seriously impacts getting what you want. And I highly recommend.
To find subliminals, simply type in a keyword and add "subliminal" at the end. Ex: Ballerina subliminal, money subliminal, acting subliminal, career subliminal, etc.

There are a lot of weird subliminals though. Like "change your race" "change other people's memories of you" etc... To be frank, you cannot manifest something that cannot happen naturally. The universe is powerful, but humans have restrictions. Things you can actually manifest are things like jobs, money, luck, objects, basically anything you could actually have. However changing your race is something impossible and it won't happen. The people who make those subliminals are bullshitting, they know it's not possible. There is no way to genuinely change your race, and you sure as hell can't accomplish anything close by listening to a subliminal. (not to mention wanting to be another race is weird and racist)

There are also a lot of concerns about bad subliminals. Subliminals that hold secret, negative affirmations within them. While they are scary, they are also rare, and it's best to stick with subliminals you find that have good reviews.

But don't let weirdos freak you out! Subliminals are very powerful tools, they do work. I think personally, listening to subliminals while also manifesting is the best combo.

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