Chapter 2

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Reader POV
I wake in a panic, sweat dripping down my face as I pant frantically. Disorientated for a few seconds, I look around rapidly, only to calm myself when I realise I am in my room. Taking a deep breath in, wiping the sweat from my forehead.
"Another nightmare.."
I sigh, flinging the blanket off of me as I hop out of bed and make my way over to my desk, opening the drawer and pulling out my pot of pills, tapping one into my hand, grabbing the water that sat waiting for my morning medication taking gulping it down with the pill.

"Y/N!! YOU OKAY?!"
My roommate yells as he bursts into my room. We lock eyes for a second until he realises I'm stood in front of him nude.
He panics, covering his eyes and turning his back.

I yell, grabbing my dressing gown from my desk chair, putting it on as quick as I can.




"you can look now perv"
He turns and peeks between his fingers to see I was now covered up. He takes a sigh of relief.

"Sorry Y/N.. I heard you yell so came to check you were okay.."
He slumps against the door, staring down at his feet. Glancing up at the desk to see my pills.
"More nightmares?"
He asks, walking over beside me, lifting his hand swiftly, pointing at them, before reaching down and picking them up, reading the label.

"Yeah unfortunately.."

"Which one was it this time?"

"The kid getting murdered.. these pills are meant to help..but.. y'know.. "

"And do they?"

"They used to.. used to work really well... but now they only give me a peaceful nights sleep for about 2 days n then they come back."

"I see.."
He nods, handing me the pills so I can put them away.
"Maybe see your psychiatrist, see if they can give you something else?"

"I might have to... these just aren't working well anymore"

"And um.. the other thing.. that you do?... is that gone too...right?.. "
He asks, trying to be as unspecific as possible. He always hated saying it as if it was like Voldemorts name. Or maybe he just worries saying it out loud will trigger me.

"Yeah... well.. I think so anyway.. I've not done that for a few weeks.."
What he's taking about is- sometimes the nightmares sneak in during the day.. I'll daydream about them.. and when I do this.. it's like I'm not in my own body. In a trance almost... I end up hurting myself when this happens.. but I can't feel it, I don't even know I'm doing it until I'm snapped back to reality.. it's really dangerous.. one of the reasons I'm not allowed to drive..

"Well that's good.. don't want a repeat of last time.."
he pats my shoulder before walking away to the door, stopping and looking back at me.
"I'll get breakfast ready this time.. you take your time, come down when you're ready. No rush"
He smiles, turning to leave, closing the door behind him. Sam was such a sweet guy. I've known him for what feels like forever.

"After that nightmare.. I think I've lost my appetite.."
i grunt, making my way to my wardrobe to dress for the day.

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