Chapter 4: The Journey

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I woke up in a real bed, resting on a feather pillow for the first time in ten years. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming again and when I realized I wasn't, I let out a little squeal. This was exciting.

A knock on my door brought me out of the victory dance I was doing and a maid walked in.

"My Lady," she said with a curtsy. "You are leaving with Prince Beckham this morning and I was sent to get you ready."

"So I'm marrying the prince?" I asked her.

"He has not declared yet My Lady. You are to stay at his palace for one month at the end of which he will decide."

I nodded. It made sense to me. Why marry someone you don't know at all? Taking the time to get to know each other first seemed like the right thing to do. To me at least.

I ate a quick breakfast that the maid had brought in and started getting ready. I once again got a luxurious bath before getting dressed. The maid put me in a beatiful lilac gown with a fur lined cloak to keep me warm on the journey. Then she braided my hair into a crown, leaving half of it down and I was ready.

My skin was buzzing with excitement and my stomach was filled with butterflies. Today I was leaving the castle for the first time in my life.

The maid and a few guards led me through the semi familiar halls of the castle and to a grand set of double doors. They were opened and I was blinded by the sun.

Once my eyes adjusted I took a moment to take everything in. I hadn't seen the outdoors in years and even then it was only through a window. The sun was brighter in person, the sky bluer, the grass softer. It was real.

"Lady Talia."

My attention was drawn to the source of my name. Prince Beckham. He was standing in front of what I believed to be a carriage. It had four large beasts in front of it. What were they? I know I read it somewhere...Horses! Horses pull carriages. They are so beautiful, the descriptions in my books didn't do them justice.

Dragging my attention away from the beautiful creatures, I dropped into a curtsy as expected.

"Prince Beckham."

"Are you ready?"

I nodded and the Prince offered me his hand. I took it and stepped up into the carriage. I sat on the coushioned bench and got ready for my first carriage ride. Prince Beckham sat on the bench across from me and the carriage started moving. I jumped a little at first, but settled in.

There was a little curtain next to me and I pushed it aside so I could see through the window. We were rolling over cobblestone streets, passing different buildings and people. They all looked on in amazement and I smiled at the few who caught my eye. This is amazing.

I looked out at the world passing by for a good portion of the journey, but started feeling drowsy. I tried to fight my heavy eyelids, but it was a losing battle. I fell asleep to the clip clop of the horses' hooves on the pavement.

My eyes fluttered open and I was no longer in the carriage. I was inside a building.

But if I wasn't in the carriage then why was I moving? I looked up and my eyes caught those of Prince Beckham. It was then that I realized I was in his arms.

"Sorry," he said, setting me down. "I didn't want to wake you."

"That's ok. Thank you," I said with a blush, missing the warmth of the Prince's arms.

I followed Prince Beckham down the hall until he stopped at a set of double doors.

"These will be your chambers," he told me. "Your maids are inside."

With that, he took off down the hall leaving me alone. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I was met with a gorgeous bedroom. It was decorated in cream and the same lilac as my dress. The bed was larger than any I'd ever seen and it looked like I could sink right into it. And I wanted nothing more right now.

But my attention was brought to the middle of the room where three maids were curtsying.

"My Lady," the one in the middle said.

She was older than the other two with streaks of gray accenting her chocolate brown hair.

"I am Maggie," she continued. "Your head maid. If you need anything just ring that bell and let me know."

She pointed to the bell situated right next to the bed.

"This is Lina," she directed to the young girl with brown hair. She was probably around my age.

"And Anna."

The last girl had lucious golden hair. She was clearly quite beautiful, but she seemed to hide herself away. She was quiet and meek. When she lifted from her curtsy I noticed a scar going through her right eyebrow. I wonder what happened.

"It's lovely to meet you My Lady," Lina said.

"Oh please, call me Talia."

The maids agreed and after making sure I didn't need anything, went off to bed. It was later than I realized. I wonder how long I had been asleep in the carriage. However long, it clearly wasn't enough because I was still exhausted.

Without even changing, I collapsed into the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

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