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Hayashida's P.O.V

let's do some introductions first, my name is Hayashida Nao, working as an office worker for a furniture manufacturing company, my workplace was nice and they don't overwork me, my boss is a good natured man who cares for the people who works under him, my coworkers all do their jobs properly and help anyone in need.

My father works oversees as a japanese teacher in America, my sister is still in highschool and my mother is a housewife, i live with my family in a house.

I love my family and in turn they love me to, tho they can be touchy at times.

Everyday i wake up, then i eat breakfast, shower, and go to work, rinse and repeat, nothing really happens in my life, but i like it, its peaceful and i'm surrounded by people i care about.

Just like any other day, i was going to work, well 'was' until i got stopped by a man, he was huge with muscles and was wearing a big jacket with a hoodie that covered his face, he pulled me into an alleyway and pulled out a knife and pointed it at me.

"Hey, I'm feeling generous right now, just give me the wallet and you can go" he pushes the knife into my neck while looking at me.

I took out my wallet from my pocket and he snatched it away from my hand, he opened it and took out all my money and my cards, he asked for my pins and i gave it to him.

"C..can i go now?" I asked him, truthfully, i'm scared shitless right now, i might die if i do something stupid.

"Sure go right ahead" he pushes me away and i fell down, i tried to get up but.

"Just kidding" i feel a sharp pain in my back, the air in my lungs were emptied as i gasped for more.

"Like hell i would let you go, you know how i looked, plus your organs would sell for a lot" the man talks to me as he drives the knife deeper and spins it, my body feels cold and hot at the same time, am i going to die?

The man pulls out the knife and says something, but i can't hear him, its muffled and everything is blurring, my body goes limp and it feels harder to breathe each second.

Mother, i'm sorry, i'm not going home tonight, sis, sorry for not being there for your highschool graduation.

As my body is being dragged i looked up into the sky, it was blue, and beautiful, to think i would die in such a beautiful day.

Sorry boss, i won't be able to work with you in the latest project.

I close my eyes and accept my fate, i thought dying would be violent and everything would hurt but, for some reason, it feels calming.

3rd person P.O.V

In a place faraway but closer than we think

"How sad, he was supposed to live a long life yet because of a disturbance this happens" the person was smiling even though he said something depressing, he looked at a crystal ball and sees a man's body being dragged by his killer.

"Hmm, i guess the disturbance was partially my fault, i should give him something as an apology" the person made a sliding motion in the air and a catalogue opens, revealing earths of different dimensions, each with their own stories and unique people, he scrolls through them and abruptly stops at one.

"Yes, this should be fine, maybe this time he will live out his lifespan" the god puts the crystal ball in the earth and takes out another crystal ball out of thin air.

"And now for you, the killer, i pity you, if only you weren't caught up in the disturbance to, you would've lived a better life" the crystal fast forwards from the murder and into another scene, it was a video of him getting killed by Hayashida's family and friends.

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