Chapter 9 : Groceries, Cat, Kurumi

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Hayashida's P.O.V

A few days went by after the hot springs, after the hot springs, i gave Shido my phone number, and we've been in touch ever since.

At first Shido was pretty stiff when texting me, the words he used were too polite for friends, but after a while, he got used to it.

We would just text about normal stuff, i would usually ask how Yoshino is doing and Shido would ask how i'm doing, and sometimes, rarely though, he would vent about his frustrations.

I can see why he would do it, he lives with girls, his friends probably don't know he's trying to seal spirits, and the ones who actually know are 30 year old men.

He told me about what he's doing, he's sealing spirits so they don't become a problem and can live normal lives, i was pretty moved about his goals, but when i asked how he seals them, he would always change the subject.

I guess its something top secret, i asked Ambriel what would happen to her if my powers got sealed, and she said, in a serious voice for once, to not let him seal me.

I thought its because she would disappear if that happened, but no, it was something more, as long as i don't get sealed i should be fine, is what Ambriel chalks it up to.

It was one of those days where Shido would ramble on about his pain and sufferings, the cafe would be closed at six, but you can still buy coffee, the only thing different is that you can't stay and sit down so i'm basically not needed here since i'm just a server and maintenance worker, and no one here buys food anyway so i'm basically free at this time.

- Hayashida, what should i do! A spirit showed up to my classroom the other day!

- isn't that good? That makes it easier to seal her right?

- it would if she didn't say it out loud! 'Sigh' Her name was Kurumi Tokisaki, she was..... bold... Really bold, she almost flashed her panties at me....

- eh? Why would she do that? Is she a pervert or something?

he stops typing, huh, weird, usually he would answer immediately, i guess he's thinking of a reply, but meeting a pervert spirit huh? My condolences.

"Hey partner! Do you think Shido was the one that asked for it?"

"That's random..... But highly possible..... i just know that to seal a spirit, he needs to flirt with them first, but i don't think Shido's dumb enough to ask something like 'Show me your panties' right?"

"I think he got to you... You're too trusting to Shido, i told you before right? You should only trust me! Your partner! Only me"




"Ambriel, you ok? You're acting kinda wei-"

Ding! My notification popped up, i turned my phone on again from sleep mode and checked who it is, it was Shido, of course since i only have five contacts, the Mr. Hiiro, Ushi, Shido, Mr. Kai from the fish market, and this kind old lady named Muriel that asked me for my number, she's a regular here.

Oh yep, its Shido.

- yea, let's just say she's a pervert

- oh, ok then

- well i gotta go, i need to cook now, kotori is in a bad mood since my blood related sister came yesterday.

- that sounds.... Tiring, good luck on cheering kotori up, cya

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