Fading Away

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That was the only word that Percy could think of to describe the floors and walls. Shooting stars, planets, meteors, and nebulae float aimlessly in the expanse of the room's interior. It was like nothing he had ever seen before.

He tries to clear the fog out of his head and looks up to find two people. They both wore the same uniform: dark grey slacks, a dress shirt, a tie, and a sash wrapped around the waist along with weird buckles around their left forearm and right leg. The only difference we're the colors. The guy has orange as the girl has purple.

Percy looks at their faces. The guy has bright blonde hair and eyes the shade of cobalt and sky. The girl's jet black hair reaches her back, and glasses sitting in front of her bright violet eyes. They both look startled at the demigod laying in bed. He mirrors their gaze, a sense of alarm growing in him like a wild weed.

The silence would have continued for much longer if the guy didn't speak up first. "You weren't supposed to wake for days." He says slowly; his face is filled with confusion. "Dude, what the..."

The girl's gaze, however, turned steely. Distrust and wariness immediately covered her surprised features as her bright violet eyes pierce into his very soul. "What are you?" She demands.

"Lexi, no." The guy hisses at her.

In spite of the clear hostility, Percy was never one to back down. He meets her gaze with the same intensity and makes his expression guarded. "Who wants to kno—?" His facade is quickly broken by a wave of nausea. Just speaking made him feel like he drank a carton of month-old milk. He lurches his body onto his side, and vomits over the side of the bed. To his relief, there was already a bucket/trash bin waiting.

He's not entirely sure he can describe what happens next.

What he was expecting to throw up was some form of bile, or whatever fluids that hospitals pump into someone when they need nutrients.

Instead, the liquid that comes from his stomach is one of the darkest blacks he has ever witnessed in his life. It burned worse than Styx water. The taste was indescribably disgusting, making him gag and vomit even more. His vision blurs with burning tears as it seemed to never stop.

He can vaguely hear one of the people in the room run out as someone presses a firm, grounding hand against the center of his back. They pat gently and say words he honestly didn't have the energy to understand.

It feels like forever before he is able to stop and properly breathe. His breath is ragged, and sweat dampens his hair, making it stick to his forehead. He is more than sure that he looks as terrible as he feels, but the only thing he can focus on is the black-hole-like substance settling within the bin at the side of the bed.

That just came out of him. He panics for a few moments. Was he poisoned? Is that what his insides look like right now? Is there more? Is he dying?

"What–" he manages to cough out, "–what is that?"

"That's dark energy, I believe." A male voice mutters behind him. Percy recognizes it as the guy from earlier. He weakly turns his head to find the cobalt-eyed man looking at him with even more worry than before.

"How..." Percy falls into another weak series of coughs. The guy helps him sit up in bed so he doesn't choke on his own saliva and hands him a glass of water.

"Hey, just breathe for a moment, alright?" He says. "Before you ask a whole bunch of questions, let me bring in someone who can answer them better than me, yeah?" He watches the demigod finish the beverage as he waits for his answer. With no other choice, Percy nods and the man smiles before exiting the room in a hurry.

A Moment of Stars || PJO Chaos [REWRITE]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя