Chapter 5

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Three months had passed. Natasha had begun to form a cute little baby bump, and Clint was worried.

"Tash?" Clint mumbled as he rolled over in his sleep, pulling his half-asleep fiancee into his arms. He'd gotten into the habit of wearing his hearing aids at night for her, though he was teaching her sign language.
"Hm?" Tasha frumped a bit. Clint nuzzled his nose into her hair.
"What if I'm a shit father?"
"What if I'm a shit mother?" She said with a good bit of sass in her voice. "Whatever happens, happens, мой любовни. Now go to sleep. You have work in the morning." She said before nuzzling back into her pillow, eventually falling back to sleep.

Around 4, Clint left for work, careful not to wake his lover.
It wasn't until around 5 that it happened. Natasha felt a pain in her stomach. It woke her up, and as she sat up the pain got worse. It felt like horrid PMS cramps. She reached over and flipped on the lamp. The sight she saw almost made her scream. The bed, the shorts she slept in, covered in blood. She knew. Fuck, damnit all to hell, she knew. She bit back tears as she grabbed her phone, calling Clint.

"Good morning love." He answered the phone.

"S-somethings wrong." She said simply.
Clint didn't miss a beat. His answerwas stout, quick, concerned.
"Be home in five"
The line went dead. Natasha forced herself up, out of bed. She took off her shorts on bloodied underwear and threw them in the laundry. She waddled to the bathroom and was in the process of cleaning herself up when Clint got home.

"Tash!" He yelled, bolting up the stairs.
"U-up here." She called as she rinsed the blood off her shaking hands.
"Babe, fu..." he hrabbed her a pair of his boxers and a pair of sweats. He helped clean the rest of the blood off of her before helping her get dressed.
"It'll all be okay, I promise, Tash." He repeated over and over. He picked her trembling frame up and carried her to the car.

By the time they got to the hospital, she was bleeding again.

Hours passed while they were in the ER.

Finally. The doctor came back with the results.

"Ms. Barton." He began in that horrid, bad-news tone. "I'm afraid to have to tell you..." he started, but Natasha had already lost it.

Clint had to take Tash home.

Days passed. She did nothing but stare out the window.

"Baby, we can try again..." Clint tried, but she wasn't listening.

Weeks passed.

A month.


Finally, Tash began to eat properly.
Then, she began talking. Eventually, she got back to normal. Any time Clint mentioned a baby, she told him to shut up. She put on a strong face. She made herself pretend nothing happened.

"Tasha, baby, we have to... We have to talk about this." Clint said at the dinner table one night. She twirled her speghetti around her fork, staring at the food on her plate.

"What is there to say?" She asked, her voice rocky.

"What do you want to do, now?" He asked, grabbing her hand so she'll stop.

"I... I want to be normal. I don't want to think about it." She simply spoke. "Normal as in... You need to work."

Months more passed. The two grew apart slowly, as Clint went on more mission. Eventually, Tash got a job with SHIELD too. They still loved eachother. But they didn't get to see eachother again until New York.

"This reminds me of Budapest." Natasha said jokingly as she shot at the aliens. All she wanted to remember was the killing, her strength.

"You and I remember Busapest very differently." Clint said with a grin. And all he remembered was being madly, insanely in love with the girl that fought side by side with him.

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