Chapter 2

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Oh damn. Little Meow Meow back to the town, duh. I suddenly have work for a few days. Obviously, irritating him. It's funny because he actually gets bothered by little things and this now is kind of a ritual I just have to follow.

It was Tuesday morning and the sun was not even that high as much as I was upon the thought of looking at his face contorting into frustration. People won't even believe their Daechwita running to his mom to complain over me pushing him off a swing! What a scene!

After a certain period of time, even her mom ignored his childish rants. I was just watering my plants in the garden, didn't even realise that he came out. I was jamming to Somebody To You. My headphones on-ear and my feet moving in sync with the audio.

I turned to the side only to watch him stretching in the garden past the the little wall that seperated our houses. Now what a cat doesn't like? Being drenched.

An evil smile crept up my face and I walked up slowly, nearing the wall. As he was so engrossed to grasp my presence, I directed the hoze nozzle towards him.

What next? Min Yoongi on fire!!

"FUCKING MOON SORA!!" He yelled as I left the pipe and closed the tap, running into my house.

"IT WAS A MISTAKE!" I yelled from inside, suppressing my laugh.


I laughed. He wasn't wrong though. Ignoring his yells, I focused on getting ready for the day.



I'll end her. Its fucking it! I am not being bullied this time. I dried my hair with a towel after taking a shower. I hate this. I hate her.

Frustrated, I walked out only to see my mom all surprised at me washing up so early.

"What possessed you to do so?"

"Your favourite irritating neighbour!" I grunted, rather roughly.

"Hope she possess you more," she laughed. Really?

I sighed and walked out, connecting the rubber pipe to the tap, sitting slongside the little war. No! This wasn't childish. This was quid pro quo- something for something!

I heard her footsteps, and the sound of the key chain clanging, means she is locking the door. I turned on the tap but before I could stand up, she looked down the wall with a smirk.

I yelled at the unanticipated face, the pipe getting off my grip and water splaying everywhere, including me! Dammit.

She laughed hysterically. Her nose scrunched and her mouth wide open. I was already drenched, no need to stepping back now. I pulled up the pipe, aiming at her and now her smile was not that evident. Good going Yoongi.

Her hands wiped off the water from her face and she sighed. "Ahh, I was all set for the hospital, you fucker."

Like I care? Wait. Did she say... Hospital?

I closed the tap. "Why? Everything alright?" I asked, my hands folded on the wall top and watched her sigh again.

Oh, I shouldn't have done this.

"Its just this condition of mine. I have to visit the hospital frequently. Because of you, I have to change again," she responded dully.

"I am so sorry. I didn't knew. You were all fine before, what happened to you? Anything serious?" I asked, concerned.

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