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Louis's POV:

The tedious high pitched beeping pulls me out of my overly deep sleep. I feel the energy slowly drip back into my body.

I feel weird, floaty, but at the same time sore and tired.

It takes me a moment to peak my eyes open, and am immediately riddled with confusion. I'm no longer in the basement. The cold, dark, depressing basement.

I'm in a hospital, the bright white, hand sanitizer-scented building that is the hospital. I am tightly tucked into the stiff bed. I don't remember getting here, or leaving the basement at all for that matter.

My head is throbbing and I can't remember anything since the basement.

I can't even navigate where exactly the pain is coming from on my body because I am just covered in a numb pain.

My eyes trail around the room, trying to take everything in, confused and in pain.

I feel my nerves calm slightly when my eyes land on Harry and Eddie sitting in hospital chairs next to my bed. Edward has his head in his hands and Harry is looking down shaking his head as he holds my hand, neither of them having noticed I'm awake seemingly.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask, not used to seeing them so sad.

Both of their heads bolt up in surprise to hear my voice.

"Oh my god, you're awake," Harry says sounding relieved and frantic at the same time.

"Yeah I'm okay, it just hurts," I whimper a bit.

"I'll go get Liam," Edward says frantically as well as the jolts out of his chair to go get him.

"What hurts sweetheart. Where are you in pain?" Harry asks worriedly.

Harry takes both of his hands and wraps them around one of mine, swallowing it.

"I-I don't know. My head. My legs. My back. My ribs." I say, pausing in between each one, trying to navigate the pain but I begin to overwhelm myself by doing so.

I don't like the feeling of not knowing where I am, or how I got here. It is just reminding me of the basement. I feel trapped.

"Okay, okay baby. You're safe now I promise. We took you to the hospital. And Liam has been taking care of you for the past week." Harry says keeping his voice deep and calm,

How did they find me? Owen told me they would never find me.

"I don't like this Harry." I squirm, still feeling freaked out.

"I know sweetheart, I know. The boys told me you don't like hospitals but we are just making sure you are healthy. Can you take a deep breath for me?" Harry asks.

I do as he says immediately, wanting to please him. I take a shaky breath for him.

"That's my good boy," He whispers, motivating me to take another one.

"Louis! You're up!" Liam's shocked-sounding voice fills my ears as he steps into the room in his scrubs with Edward next to him.

Did they not think I was going to wake up?

My eyes follow him as he starts to click the buttons on the machine that is hooked up to my arm.

"I wanna go home, Liam," I say, looking at him.

He turns away from the machine and looks at me sadly.

"I know you do babe. I'm sorry but you aren't going to be able to leave for a little bit. You have some pretty extensive injuries and they just need some time to heal. Thankfully, your body healed itself a great deal while you were asleep." Liam informs me, trying to explain it in a calm manner to keep my calm but it just does the opposite.

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