Course Choices

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I arrived at Ashley Waters, the earliest time manageable. Even then, the class choices were limited, how could people pick their courses so quickly? Sometimes, I end up taking days or weeks to make a decision like this one. The building was filled with students and my ears were slightly ringing from all the noise. I decided just to go with whichever classes were left because I had to get out of here. My eyes scanned the room for an exit, only to meet with a familiar set of emerald green eyes. Kota. Nathan was beside him. Now I really need to leave. I had begun walking briskly in the opposite direction of the boys. 

"Sang," Nathan called after me.

I found my way to a washroom, turning the handle with my sleeve on the handle, and locked myself in a stall. The public door closed, then opened, then closed again. 

"Sang? Are you okay?" Kota asked, concern in his voice. 

I walk out of the stall, my face questioning. What were they doing in the girls washroom?! They can't just walk in. Why call it a 'girls' washroom if boys like them just barge in? They saw the confusion on my face and answered, "It's a gender neutral bathroom". 

Kota repeated his earlier question, "Are you alright? You seemed a little out of it yesterday."

I had been waiting for the look of revulsion in their eyes. They should hate me right now, laugh at what a freak I am. I kept waiting for the punch-line, they must be making fun of me. However, the sincerity in their eyes told me otherwise.

"I-um I realized the time and had to get home." I knew it wasn't a good excuse, but my mind was focused on other things. They weren't pointing out my flaws, like I do to everything each day.

"Okay... Well, would you like to come over another day. We'll make sure to get you home in time." Nathan promised. 

I didn't think they would want to continue anything with me. I thought the good times we had, ended the moment I ruined it. It didn't look like they viewed it as negatively as I thought. These boys were definitely not like my mother. I agreed to meeting with them this Friday. That should give my wounds time to heal enough to stop re-opening. 

"Oh and uh, was it you who cleaned my room?" Nathan added. 

"uh, yes. I'm sorr-"

"Thanks. It looks great." 

A teacher came in and kicked us out of the washroom after that. She said "Today is meant for planning, save the bathroom for when school actually starts".

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