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Bronx, New York
Year of 1978

It's halloween night, my friends and I went out trick or treating around the neighborhood.
So far, we've gathered a lot of candy and chocolate bars in our basket, but we're craving for more.

"Hey, whose house is that?" Henry asked as he pointed his index finger at the big bungalow house located just outside our neighborhood.

"I don't know but it sure is big. I think the owner must be wealthy" Craig replied.

"Let's not leave the neighborhood" I rejected their ideas.

"Come on, Tom.this will be fun!" Henry pulled my hands and tried to convince me.

The three of us made our way out of the neighborhood, then went straight into the front porch of the bungalow house.

Henry knocked on the door.

After the third attempt, a long hand with long pale fingers opened the door but whoever behind the door won't show themselves. It's just a long pale hands with long fingers that looked inhuman, handed Henry three Pixie stix.

"Thank you" the three of us thanked the person jovially in unison before the person carefully closed the door.

As the three of us walking on the sidewalk on our way home before it's late and our parents will definitely ground us, Henry kept on talking about Pixie stix.

"My mom never let me eat Pixie stix. now I can eat it and she would never know" Henry giggled as he
tried to put the powdery candy into his palm.

He then tasted it, and his facial expression changed and he became squeamish.

"Ew! It tastes horrible!"

Craig and I burst out in laughter because we thought Henry was joking.but then, in the middle of laughing, Henry collapsed on the sidewalk and he's no longer moving.

"HENRY! HENRY! WHAT HAPPENED!!" I shouted while shaking Henry's shoulder.

"WAKE UP HENRY!! WAKE UP!" Craig yelled frantically.

Because of our frantic screams trying to wake up Henry, several neighbors came out to check what happened.

Ms Harlow called 911 and paramedics, as soon as the ambulance arrived and CPR was performed, unfortunately, Henry was pronounced dead at the scene.

The officers asked me and Craig the chronology of what had happened, but us, being kid at that time, we only explained the big house and the mysterious hand who gave us the pixie stix.

Neither of us had seen the person who lived in that massive house and once police break into the house, there is no one there, in fact, it's dusty and abandoned.

And Henry is now dead.

Henry's mouth smelled like an almond, indicating the Pixie stix had been poisoned with Cyanide. My pixie and Craig's was sent to the laboratory and ours contained Cyanide as well.

3 days later

I saw Henry in my dream. We were in a minimarket and Henry is grabbing several Pixie stix.

"I thought your mom will never let you eat that.." I complained to Henry.

"Ssshh... he is watching us" Henry whispered to me.

Henry's bizarre response made me aware of my surroundings.

"Who's watching us?" I asked him.

"Him" Henry simply replied.

"What are you talking about?"

"Look behind you" Henry said, I turned around but there is nobody.

"There is nob-" when I turned back to talk to Henry, he disappeared.

"Henry!! Henry!!" My voices echoed the whole minimarket, strangely there is nobody in that minimarket except for us. No cashier either.

I reached the parking lot and there I saw a man trying to activate his car key while ducking his head. I ran at him.

"Excuse me, did you see my friend?" I asked him

Once he turned his head up to look at me, He smiled, his malicious eerie smile got wider in each second.

"I have candy in my trunk" he said to me.

I'm speechless unable to react because my body froze in fear.

He then opened his trunk, and it's full of Pixie Stix. and I saw him pulled up his sleeves, I saw his hands and finger matches the one who handed Henry the Stix.


Had the three of us tasted the Pixie stix, we will follow Henry's path...

And that long pale devil hand who put poison into our candy, the police never able to find him even to this day, 44 years later...

Henry never gets the chance to grow up like Craig and I...

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