Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I know they say that having a sibling was like having a best friend...and don't get me wrong, Owen is my best friend. What they don't tell you about is the fine print at the bottom of that newsletter where it states that they are also the biggest pain in the ass you'll ever know. I love Owen with all my heart, and I know he's always there for me if I need anything, but he frustrates me to no end. Maybe that just comes natural with him being my older brother, or maybe it's just who he is. Either way, it always seems to make my life more difficult.

When Owen made the varsity team his sophomore year, our parents bought him a car that would be able to get him to and from practice. I think they just did it so they wouldn't have to keep picking him up from practice every day, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In the two years since, Owen has actually taken really good care of the car, which was amazing because he's not the most responsible person I know. Which would also explain why I was sitting in said car in the school parking lot, waiting for him to take me to my shift at the local bakery I worked at in town. I ran my hands through my hair, waiting anxiously for him to come while thumping my right leg against the floor of the car. One of my pet peeves was tardiness, and it kills me to be late anywhere.

A few more minutes pass before I heart the clicking of the door handle as my brother opens the car door, and hops in quickly. I glare at him, sending him daggers in my mind through my eyes. He's used to that from me, and ignores me as he starts the engine, and quickly zips out of the parking lot to drive me the short distance to my job. I pull down the visor, and check my hair to put it back in order and fix the damage that me running my hands through it did. I am going to work after all, and need to look somewhat presentable.

"Sorry I was late, little bro. It took me forever to get Coach to let us out of practice so that I could take you to work," Owen apologizes as I stare out the window, and resist the urge to roll my eyes at his "little bro" remark. There was barely a year between us, but he always had to throw it in to remind me as though I would forget. I watch the trees and buildings pass as we make our way through town and I ignore him because his apology was just a force of habit at this point. "Hey, don't ignore me, Callum. I'm trying to apologize over here."

"I heard you," I grumble as I stare out the passenger window. I was grateful for the ride to work, but it wasn't going to do me any good if I couldn't get there on time. "But you know how I feel about being late, and you still left me sitting in the car like an idiot. If you would have just dropped me off first, then we wouldn't be in this predicament...again."

"We also wouldn't be in this predicament if you got your own damn car, and could drive yourself around instead of making me stop what I'm doing to chauffeur you around," Owen counters, smacking me upside the head, just pissing me off even more. "I've got things I want to do too Callum! You think I want to take you to work and pick you up every day?"

"Some of us aren't as lucky as you, and get a car just handed to us just for being on the football team," I snap at him. We have had this argument many times, and every time it ends the same way. We both quiet down, and let out a breath we were holding in. My parents wanted to give me a car when I started working a the bakery a few months ago at the end of my sophomore year, but cars are expensive. I know they feel bad, so the only thing they could offer was for Owen and I to share the car. He doesn't mind considering I never really need the car except for when I need to go to work. Other than that, one of my friends usually drives us when we want to go out, or I'm up in my room streaming while playing video games.

We finish the drive in silence until he parks the car in front of the bakery. We sit there for a moment before he sighs, and turns to me. "I really am sorry, Callum," he says while placing a hand on my shoulder. I look him in the eyes, and can tell that he means it. "I'll make sure I do better about being on time to take you to work, and letting you have the car more."

I lean over and wrap my arms around my brother before getting out the car, and dash towards the bakery, barely making the start of my shift. Unlike most kids my age, I actually like my job. Being able to make cookies, muffins, cakes, pastries, and so much more and having those smells around me is incredible. I jump behind the counter, and place my bag in the back before grabbing an apron from the wall to put on. "Sorry I'm late guys," I say to Maggie who was working the counter and Diane, the owner of the bakery. Maggie trained me on how to work on the counter while Diane showed little things at a time in the back as far as baking. Before I started working here, I never knew there was so many ways to bake bread and so many ways things could go wrong.

"You're the only teenager I've ever know that thinks being three minutes early is being late," Diane laughs while patting my on the back. She's an older woman that can outwork anyone half her age. When I started working here at the beginning of the summer, I was doing it just for the extra money so I could buy video games and any computer equipment I would need. The girls have taught me a lot, and after a few weeks, I found I like working here. When it was time for school to start again, I decided I wanted to continue working here part-time whenever I could. "Actually, now that you're here, I have something I wanted to tell you and Maggie."

My ears perk up with interest. It's not often that something happens around here, so I was definitely all ears as she pulls Maggie and I to the back. We each grab a few boxes, and package some product to replenish the shelves out front while she prepares to tell us her news.

"So I'm sure the two of you have noticed how much business has picked up over the last few months," she begins to tell us as we continue our work. "So with that in mind, I've decided to hire another person to help us out to help with the sales increase. He actually goes to your school Callum, so the two of you will mostly likely be working together a lot."

I'm both excited and nervous to hear that. With how busy the bakery has become over the last couple of weeks, the extra body would definitely be helpful to help with the afternoon rushes, and will help time pass by faster. On the other hand, if the person Diane hired is someone that I don't get along with, it will definitely make my shifts seem longer and make time pass by so slowly. I am surprised to hear her say that she hired another guy, but I guess only time will tell how this will work out. I trust Diane's judgment though.

"He'll be here in a few minutes, and I was hoping you wouldn't mind showing him around and train him this afternoon, Callum," she looks at me with a pleading look on her face. Diane's a work horse, and she always hates when she can't do everything herself. I would have offered to train the new guy myself anyway to take something off of her plate, so this wasn't an issue. As if on cue, the bell on the door jingled to let us know that the front door was opening. We all walk out front, and I see Diane get excited. "Perfect timing! I was just telling my team about you."

I make my way up to the counter to take a peak at who I'm going to have the privilege of training, and I stop in my tracks as I see who it is, and to say I am surprised is an understatement. Standing in front of me is none other than Asher Gray, the defensive co-captain of the football team, otherwise known as my brother's rival and arch-nemesis. Well, this is going to be interesting to say the least.


I wanted the first part to be longer, but I figured this would be a good introduction for everything. More details to come in the next chapter, but hopefully you guys like what you see so far! Happy Last Day of Pride Month!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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