Chapter 19

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Harry could feel he was transferred from Mark's arms to the professor's, and he did not protest. As soon as he was in the professor's arms, he could smell herbs and potions, which helped him calm down more quickly.

Severus felt both angry and guilty. Guilty because he had been neglecting Harry and angry because his godson had hurt Harry. As Harry was being transferred to the Potions Master, the boy's eyes met his own eyes, and even though he didn't mean to use Legilimency, he slipped easily and gently into Harry's mind because it seemed the boy had been broadcasting his thoughts and memories too clearly that it was easy to read, and he couldn't resist the urge to find out everything that had happened. And in a few short seconds, he had read most of Harry's thoughts the past few days, seen everything Draco had done and said. And all of it made him extremely angry. He calmed down for his charge's sake though.

Severus didn't know how long he held the child in his arms, but somewhere during the period, another dam of the boy broke. He could feel the warmth on his hip from Harry's pull-up. That's when the boy's sniffling and hiccuping stopped, he pulled away from Severus and looked down as if to check if he had really done that. There were a few seconds of silence, then Harry started crying again. A new fresh set of tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't understand. Why was he wetting himself now that he was awake and completely capable of using the toilet? And he hadn't even felt like he needed to go.

As the boy started crying, Severus indicated to Mark that Harry had had an accident. He kept on rubbing the boy's back and said

"Harry, it's alright. Let's get you clean up"

He calmly walked to the bathroom with Harry in his arms and shut the door behind them.

"Harry, it was an accident. We'll get you cleaned up first, then we'll talk, ok?"

He helped Harry take the pull-up and then lelf the boy to shower and get dressed. Although Severus believed staying in another pull-up would be better, he let the boy go in underwear until they had at least talked about it, then it would be the boy's choice to wear them or not.

He got back out into the sitting room where Mark was waiting for them on the couch. He sat down and sighed.

"Severus, everything will be ok. Don't stress yourself out. We'll explain everything to him and you will talk to him regarding the past few days. Remember everyone makes mistakes. I've made many mistakes when raising my sons, and so has my wife. But see? They have both grown into 2 successful men in their 20s and about to start their own families."

Severus only nodded. Then he remembered something about Harry that he had been noticing. He decided to ask.

"Mark? Harry had been sleeping in a particular position. May I ask what that position means?"

"Of course, go on" - Mark said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, every time I saw him asleep, he was always in a fetal position. You know, he curls up in a tight ball, with his knees drawn up and his hands in tight fists, clutching his blanket and toy" - Severus said, worried that Harry's stomach hurt but the boy hid it or something. He was also worried that it might affect Harry's spine.

Mark looked sadly at him and said.

"You know, there's nothing to worry about that. But that position tells a lot and helps a lot when it comes to his emotional health. First, sleeping in a fetal position might indicate that the person is trying to protect himself because that position takes away others' access to his vital organs"

That made Severus feel even worse, to think that a little boy had to do that to protect himself.

"I'm not surprised, really" - Mark continued - "Considering his upbringing, I bet that he had been sleeping, and protecting himself for that matter, in that position for a long time. That position also means that he needs comfort. That was the position that babies stay in while they're in the womb. And after they are born, many babies, toddlers, and children still sleep in that position because it most likely brings them comfort and a sense of security. That is also why young children are tucked in tightly before they sleep, it gives them the same feeling of comfort and security. And many adults still sleep in that position occasionally. I don't think Harry really understands it though, he's not really conscious about what's he doing"

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