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Chapter 219: 219: Protecting his little sister

Jing Qian wasn’t ready for this encounter. As she looked at the fierce gaze, her face immediately turned white.

“So, it wasn’t Jing Qian’s fault. It was yours.”

Yunxiao wasn’t asking a question. It was a statement.

Then, everyone turned and stared at Jing Lu.

Jing Lu had always gotten what she wanted at home. As soon as she held both her hands by her chest, her mother would have given her the stars and the moon if she wanted. Plus, the kids back at school were gullible. If anyone dared to go against her, she would do the exact same thing and get what she wanted. This was why Jing Lu always thought that she was privileged.

However, on this day, she got scolded by the award-winning actor Yunxiao, someone who was usually warm and gentle.

Jing Lu was shocked. She immediately held onto her chest, put on a pitiful expression, and ended it with her eyes turning red.

Just as she was about to ask Yunxiao what she had done to offend him, causing him to accuse her, Yunxiao spoke up instead.

“You keep putting your hands there. Are you trying to tell me that you have a heart condition, and I shouldn’t have accused you? If you’re sick, you should be admitted instead. Looking at your outfit, you don’t look like you come from a poor family. I’m sure your parents wouldn’t have a problem with getting you a doctor and treating you. Am I right?”

In other words, if you have a heart condition, you should leave.

Pan Wei shrugged and touched his nose. If the investors wanted him to change the actors on the show, he had no other choice but to do so. But did this mean that before the start of the shoot, they would be on the top list for the fourth time today?

Jing Lu didn’t expect that her trick would have failed to work in front of Yunxiao. He didn’t have mercy on her, and even threatened to kick her out of the production.

The tears were about to come out of her eyes as she quickly explained herself, “No, that’s not it. Yunxiao, please don’t misunderstand me.”

“Then could you please tell me why Jing Qian isn’t here?”

As Yunxiao continued staring at her, Jing Lu panicked and turned to Qin Yi.

After that, she cried pitifully, “Brother Yi…”

If it was anyone else, Qin Yi would have helped her, but the person standing right in front of him was his idol and a senior in the industry.

Yunxiao’s eyes turned even colder as he looked at Qin Yi, “You’re aware of this?”

Qin Yi quickly shook his hands and refuted the statement, “I’m not!”

“Wu Wei, what’s the situation over there? Why is Jing Qian taking so long? We have been waiting for at least 30 minutes just for her!”

“Well, you would have to wait for another hour then.”

Wu Wei’s voice came from the other end of the call.

Since it was clear that Yunxiao was pissed and wouldn’t allow anyone to get Jing Qian, Pan Wei decided that it was best to just call the makeup artist, Weiwei, and put her on speaker.

Pan Wei clearly didn’t expect that they still had to wait for another hour and immediately exploded, “WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH HER?! Why do you still need another hour? Don’t you know that everyone here is waiting for Jing Qian?! She may be new, but can’t she at least act a little more professional?”

[✓](1)The Genius Doctor, My Wife, Is ValiantWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt