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Castiel -

I could not take it any more being here in this place. Specially having my older brother telling what I should do when the time comes when Grace arrives.

Grace Norwood. That bitch only wants power. Nothing more. But my family wants me to marry her, that my mate is out there waiting for me. And I am stuck here with my power hungry family.

" Brother, please listen to me. I know best. Besides Grace is a lovely lady. No, you will not fall in love right away but with time you will love her in the end" My brother said

I look at him in the eye.

" I really doubt it". I say leaving his office, making sure I slammed his door real hard.

I know childish. But I don't care.

I leave the pack grounds just going on a run to cool off. My anger is growing by the minute.

After running for close to 2 hours I came to a stop enjoying the day not noticing a rogue was going to jump on me. I of course never back down from a fight. The damn rogue got my side real good but I was able to kill the beast smiling a huge wolf grin, proud of myself. I could not take a moment to rest because I heard and smelled more rogues coming. I took off, coming to a full stop at a river. I shifted back into my human form so I can see my wound on my side.

Damn rogue.

I started to heal and I was going to make my way back until I heard something move. I look and I see a female across the river, she looked small and by the smell she is a rogue.

I stay ready just in case. By the look of her she does not look like a fighter. But then I look into her eyes.


My mate is a rogue. Really? I am having conflicting feelings in me. Do I accept her? As I look more closely at her, she looks real thin and sad. I see her bit her lip then she runs and I go after her. In no time I was able catch her, she did not put up any fight. She must be really weak.

I feel all the sparks going through my hands as I touch her. But one thing is that she is looking down on the ground.

" If you want, you can reject me" she said

I already made up my mind.

" Why would I do that."

She snaps her head up so fast I laugh a bit. Her face looks so confused I laugh some more.

We stare at each other before her eyes cast down then her face turns red then she turns her head away from me.

I must be the first guy she saw naked. Good. I should be the only one she sees naked. My possessive side already showing.

Me I do not mind being naked, I am very comfortable in my form.

" Um, are you hungry?" She speaks.

" First tell your name" I want to know her name of my mate.

" Aurora"

I smile hearing her name. It sounds so beautiful and it is one of the best names I have heard.

" I am Castiel"

" Nice meet you"

I don't think she knows who I am. Wonderful.

We were about to talk more, I want to bring back to the pack and tell my family that I have found my mate and to tell Grace Norwood to shove it. But the other rogues I smelled earlier where now standing just a mere feet away from us.

My protective instinct kicked in for my mate even though I just met her. I push her behind me keeping my eyes on the rogues. Just waiting to see who will make the first move.


I was able to kill the rogues but my wounds were not healing right. But the good thing was that Aurora was alright, not hurt in anyway.

I go back to my wounds that were not healing. I need to get back to my pack.

" Let's go" I say

" Where?" Aurora said

" To my pack. My wounds are healing right."

" I can't. I am a rogue. Something will happen I-"

I cut her off my kissing her on her small lips. It felt so good, I could kiss her all day.

" It is okay. You are my mate, I will tell them. They will understand. I am not leaving you behind."

We walk back to the pack and I can feel myself slipping. I am losing to much blood. Aurora is trying her best to keep up. But I can feel myself slipping.

I can see my pack.

" Tell them that you are my mate. Tell them"

" No, No, No"

I hear her say to before I became unconscious.

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