Chapter 12

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"With some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought."

Faith's POV

"¿Por qué debería llevarte de vuelta Gustavo?" She hissed. (why should I take you back Gustavo?)

"Porque no podemos alejarnos el uno del otro cariño." Gustavo said. (Because we can't stay away from each other sweetheart)

"Pft. Dices eso, pero aun así aceptas casarte con ella. Dijiste que soy el único para ti, pero escuchas a tus padres al casarte con ella y no te preocupas por ni por nosotros." She said while turning away from him.

(Pft. You say that but you still agree to marry her. You said that I'm the only one for you, but you listen to your parents on marrying her and don't care about me or us.)

He saw her turn around and quickly went in her way.

"Sal de mi camino, Gustavo." She said. (Get out of my way, Gustavo.)

He touch her rosy cheeks and her brown curls.

"No te dejaré ir hasta que te explique, María." He said. (I won't let you go till I explain, Maria).

She wanted to move but her body refuse as if it's attracted like a magnet to him.

"Nunca debí haber escuchado a mi padre y a mi madre. Durante años siempre he querido su atención y su reconocimiento para mí. Ahora lo obtuve de ellos, pero a cambio perdí el único amor que se preocupa por mí." He explained with sadness.

(I should never have listened to my father and mother. For years I have always wanted there attention and their acknowledgement to me. I have now got it from them but in return I lost the only love who cares for me.)

"No es solo eso Gustavo. Nunca estuvimos destinados a serlo. Mírame, solo soy una niña de un pueblo pobre que trabaja en una granja desde muy joven. Mientras que venías de una familia rica que tenía todo lo que quería y fuiste a la mejor educación que puedas imaginar." She said and turning back but yet again stopped by him.

(It's not just that Gustavo. We were never meant to be. Look at me, I'm just a girl from a poor village who works at a farm from a young age. While you came from a rich family who have everything they wanted and went to the best education you could possibly think of.)

"No me importa si eres pobre. Te amo por tu amable y precioso yo. Por eso no puedo perderte. Eres la Julieta de mi Romeo, no puedo imaginar perderte. Soy un idiota, pero este idiota te ama y quiere estar contigo para siempre hasta que muramos." He said while holding her hand.

(I don't care if you're poor. I love you for your kind and precious self. That is why I can't lose you. You're the Juliet to my Romeo, I can't imagine losing you. I'm an idiot but this idiot loves you and wants to be with you forever till we die.)

Suddenly he goes down on one knee and in his hand is a red velvet box, making her looked at him with shock.

"Gustav-" She gasped.

He opened the box and inside is a beautiful ring. It have a big diamond at the middle, there are metal vines on top of it and are placed with little diamonds.

"María, mi amor y mi alma. Te hice algo imperdonable y me hizo perderte. Pero no podía imaginar estar lejos de ti. Quiero construir una familia contigo donde vivamos en una hermosa casa con amor. Haré cualquier cosa por ti, cariño. ¿Quieres m-?" He was cut off by

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