Another Secret

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Mew was currently at his parents' house along with Gulf to discuss about upcoming party organized for the foundation day of their company. It was a big event and everything was done on grand scale after all they had a reputation to maintain. This would Gulf's first appearance in public as Mew's husband so it was very important to maintain the dignified image. They weren't too worried since Gulf came from a wealthy family too so he must be well versed in the way to act elegant.

If only they knew the truth. Gulf hardly ever attended any public event involving his family. His parents made sure to keep him hidden in case he messed it all up. He had only attended few parties, that too under strict supervision of his parents. Nervousness and anxiety filled him at the thought of making any mistake that would result in divorce. He was awkward when he got nervous and if things got too stressful then only God could save him. He should have told Mew about his condition after what had happened last time but ge was too fearful to take that step.

Maybe if Mew was a kind and caring person, Gulf could've opened up to him but the man was ice cold and sarcastic most of time though he had his warm side too but Gulf wasn't mostly on the receiving end of that warmth. It didn't affect him most of the time because he was used to this feeling of neglect. This was something he could live with but often anger turns violent and he wasn't sure he could handle something like that. He had heard Mew had nasty temper and though he had shouted at him few times, it had never been more than he could handle.

"Gulf, make sure you greet the guests properly." Mr. Suppasit said.

"Yes, Father."

"There will be some eminent personalities and it's important to make positive impression."

"It'll be fine, Dad." Mew said.

"It better be."

They left around noon. Mew stopped at the car and turned towards Gulf, "I need to go somewhere. Take cab to home."


Mew glared at him, "None of your business."

Gulf didn't say anything in return and went to hail cab as Mew drove away to God knows where. Actually he had an inkling of where he must be going. He remembered how he had called Mew last night and his boyfriend had picked up. He could remember their conversation and he felt bad for creating problems in their relationship. He had regressed to young age by the time he had dialed Mew's number and blabbered about their marriage. Mew's anger and discontentment could be felt but he hadn't addressed the situation yet.

It was evident Mew had gone to meet his boyfriend to smooth things over. Now that he knew Mew's boyfriend had absolutely no idea about their marriage, Gulf felt sorry for him. How utterly devastating it must be to know the person you loved so much had been deceiving you? Granted this marriage was against Mew's will, still he should have told his lover about his wedding. How would Mew handle this situation? What if they break up? Would Mew take out his anger on him? Questions like these plagued him for the entire ride home.

He went through his wardrobe to select something that would be appropriate for the party next week. He had plenty of branded clothes that would be suited for such occasion still he decided to go for shopping. He loved shopping. In his otherwise lackluster life, shopping filled him with joy. It didn't necessarily have to be something expensive or luxurious, he just loved having pretty sparkly things. His parents scolded him a lot for buying and using pink glittery stuff, they had this stupid concept that it made him look girly. Since when did colours have gender?

Now shopping required money and though he had no lack of that, still he didn't like asking his parents for every little thing. They had tight leash on his expenditure and didn't allow him to buy anything other than absolutely necessary. He was only allowed to buy stuff that was necessity for his survival and important to keep up their reputation. He could work to earn but that didn't go well either so he resorted to a job that didn't require him to interact with people, at least not face to face. He didn't need to go out or work for long hours, it was convenient and surprisingly it paid well.

Obviously no one knew about this. His parents would disown him if they knew what he did to earn money that was so little compared to what they spent on just their coffee. He had been hesitant to do this job but soon enough he realized it wasn't that bad and moreover it made him confident in himself. He hoped Mew wouldn't find out either because for a minute Mew may accept his mental disorder but he definitely wouldn't accept the sort of job he did. He wasn't worried about that. He wouldn't let Mew find out ever.

Mew formulated the apology to give Tine when he reached his home. He should have explained things sooner but he didn't get time. Tine wouldn't pick his call and his parents called them first thing in morning so he didn't get time to talk to Tine after last night. Fear was setting in as he drove, losing Tine wasn't something he had thought about. Even when his marriage had been fixed he didn't think he would lose Tine but right now that feeling was crystallizing and he could feel the panic taking over.

There are only so many excuses and explanations he could give that could make his boyfriend forgive him but it wasn't just his forgiveness that he wanted. He wanted Tine to continue loving him like he had since they met. He didn't want Tine to look at him with hate or disgust. That would break him completely. Tine had no idea the power he had over Mew. He could break that man with just his gaze. He had no inkling as to how much Mew starved for his love.

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