Chapter Twenty-Two: Unwanted Déjà vu

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Unwanted Déjà vu

The Kite is a bubble that I willingly leave behind and the smack of reality still hits with a bitter edge of surreality as I glance around at the ongoing destructive chaos. The dead and dying were in mass, surrounded by the choking sea of miasmic beasts, black crystal and hexer goo. All this peppered with chunks of city haphazardly strewn around just like any other fucking city I've been to in the last decade. Just fresher with a wall of memories I do not want to revisit. 

People were stilling running like their life depended on it. Traffic was congested with abandoned cars, mangled trucks and anything flying had come literally crashing down, causing more road blockage and death. There were still Hexer nests with a strangle hold on much of the city and miasma still pushing through the streets. None of it will end but Bolin has ceased its existence all the same. We were mere insects looking at our shattered hive and scrambling.

But that all pales in my mind compared to my current selfish problem. How the fuck am I supposed to find a tiger in this mess?

Lady? I echo in my mind and with my voice, knowing full well that my vocal cords are straining, scratched, and used up. My mind was also in a haze of pain and I'm tired. But I still stagger through the streets in a stressed panic, hoping to catch a glimpse of the glowing black and blue tiger in the afternoon shadows.

Lady! I continue down a street as fast as my pathetically dragging legs could carry me. I could almost laugh at how...invisible I feel at the moment to everything around me, or maybe I can't see anything. Like no hexer or miasmic beast. Or maybe I'm just really blind...

I've never tried the limits of my link with Lady before. The regret of not making sure I knew where she was just piles in. Why did I just leave here there? Where did I even leave her? Was she crushed with the building that crashed in on me? I don't even know where I am or where I'm even going. What am I even doing? I just stormed out. No plan. No way of knowing where I'm going or how I'm even supposed to find her. Then what? 

I stop and look back, I don't even know how to get back to X.

Breathe. Slow down.

I try to stop the rising panic. It was surging through my veins and waiting to lurch from my throat. What the fuck am I even doing?

X! Lady!

Somebody. Anybody...

Just what is wrong with me?

Retrace the steps. Ok...the lake. The lake was near. Was it? I don't even remember anymore.

I don't remember when I started clutching my head but I dig my fingers into my scalp, hoping that ot would bring some relief to the flood of panic and guilt. It didn't. It only made me more painfully aware of the tears beginning to form in my eyes.

Always the stupid cry-baby.

Where are you?

Why am I always losing everyone?

Everything looks the same but nothing is familiar. Glass. Concrete. Body. Body. Body. Crystal. Body without a head. All I feel is déjà vu and everything around me starting to look like indistinguishable shapes.

I wipe at my eyes, hoping to make everything disappear before I feel it chocking me and swivel to turn to another street, calling out Lady's name using only mind now. I was afraid that if I shouted out again, all I'll do is cry.

I then found the ground with my chest as I must have tripped over something and struggle to my to even lift my chest from the road. 

A deep gurgle down a side alley was an acute indication that I wasn't alone. Even as I choke on the mix of smoke and panic. Looking up from my tunnelling vision, I focus to see a familiar sight. Hexer. 

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