Drop-Zone (4)

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Caribbean Sea

June 22, 8:08 pm

The moon shines full upon the rushing waves of the sea. Not a sound in the air except for the low humming of the Bioships engine soaring through the night sky.

Inside the ship, six teens remained silent and still, Maxi stared out of the window his eyes not leaving the dark sea below, his mind clearly elsewhere.

"We're approaching Santa Prisca," Miss Martain announces looking ahead to the screen, showing an island coming into view.

Everyone straightens in attention, awaiting their next move.

All except Robin who is in deep thought of the events earlier that day.


"Isla Santa Prisca," Batman says, indicating the image of the said island on the holographic screen.

The teens stand before him and Red Tornado, absorbing the information of their first mission being assigned to them.

"This island nation is the primary source Of a dangerous and illegal neurosteroid; a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name "Venom."

The screen switches its images to a factory.

"Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory Is still operating at full capacity, But all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off." He turns to face them. "That's where this team comes in."

"This is a covert recon mission only." The knight says sternly. "Observe and report.

If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones."

"So who's in charge?" The youngest member suddenly asked

Batman and Red Tornado look at each other before answering. "Work that out between you."


The thought of them talking about the choice of who would be taking charge makes him grin. He will gladly take the leading role.

"Drop zone "A" in 30." MM's voice snaps him back to reality.

That was Aqualad's queue. He stands and presses the symbol on his belt, and his uniform begins to exchange its color from red to midnight black.

He looks to the martian with a nod. "Ready."

She nods back and hits a few keys. "Putting bioship in camouflage mode."

The outside of the ship disappears to blend in around its environment. It lowers until it is above the level of the sea and the doors at bottom of the boat open and out dives Aqualad into the water below.

Hearing the splash below shakes Maxi out of his thoughts as he looks at his teammate's costumes. He was beginning to feel a little self-conscious about his own 'costume' if you could even call it that.

His costume consisted of a red leather trench coat, a red top, a pair of fingerless gloves, black leather pants, and a pair of black boots.

His costume consisted of a red leather trench coat, a red top, a pair of fingerless gloves, black leather pants, and a pair of black boots

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