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Quick question, how do you guys feel about me posting a fantasy book? Of course this book will have the same updates but I will randomly post chapters for the fantasy book. I'm sure some of you have seen the... attempt, of a book on my profile. I am rewriting it but I don't know if anyone will read it. I know I am a much better writer than I was than. The book is completely in third-person to make it seem more like a novel and professional. Let me know if that's something you'd like.

There may not be an update Wednesday. I get my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and might not be able to get out the chapter. In case I don't, see ya next Sunday!

After I got changed and put my things away, I went out to find the girls. I had seen them sitting right in the middle with Rage. He looked like he was enjoying it. The opposite of what I thought. I didn't even expect him to come in and watch. Ballet and Rage do not seem like they mix. Rage was a tall man that could snap me in half. He would never be caught dancing.

I caught sight of Josie in the lobby. I laughed when I saw the guys standing protectively next to the girls. I know no one would dare hurt them and I also know half the club was watching the outside.

"You looked so pretty!" Vanessa said when she saw me.

"It was... interesting." Alpha nodded. I chuckled.

I noticed Rage looking down at me. I couldn't decipher his look. I wasn't expecting him to tell me he liked it or he'd come again, but I suddenly cared what he thought. Like his opinion mattered most.

"Rage? How'd you like it?" Emily asked him. She sent me a sly smile, she was fishing for something.

"I liked some dances." He grumbled. He refused to make eye contact with me. Did he not like any of mine? Maybe I misinterpreted him in the audience. Maybe he was just bored.

"Let's go find our men so we can eat." Hannah said as she grabbed Vanessa's arm. She gave Rage a glare before leaving.

"Don't." I heard Alpha growl. He was talking to Rage. He had balled his fists and kept a hard stare at Hannah's back, as if he could kill her with his eyes.

"Rage, you have to take Melanie to dinner for us." Emily said. That seemed to click something in his head. He snapped his neck towards me than Emily. He nodded as if understanding an order.

"The restaurant on 4th, Rage." Alpha said before guiding Josie and a waddling Emily out. I was left alone with Rage once again.

I turned towards the seemingly unhinged man. His body tense. He must not like disrespect.

"Rage?" I cautiously asked. He turned to me with a dark expression. I didn't think he would hurt me, but now I wasn't sure.

"Move." He ordered. I didn't even question him as I led the way towards his bike. I caught a glimpse of Rogue packing up a bag. I knew they were here but I didn't realize they brought so many weapons.

Rage ignored everyone as he guided me to the bike. I saw many of my friends from class give me confused looks. I'm sure the giant man behind me was slightly alarming as no one has seen me with him. I gave them bright smiles to tell them it's ok. Rage has yet to hurt me or anyone, that I've seen, since I've been here. I've heard him and Alpha were loose cannons, but I haven't seen any blood spilled yet.

I broke from my thoughts when we finally reached the bike.

Rage hopped on after he made sure I was ok. It was really strange to have someone with a dark expression care about your safety.

Rage took off after revving his bike once. The wind hitting my face was not the same with my hair up. Rage's warm body kept me comfortable through the wind. He was like a wall, one giant angry wall.

It took a few minutes before we arrived to the restaurant. It was a cute restaurant, a restaurant I shouldn't go into with stage makeup on. A lot of people were here too. I could tell Rage was annoyed by how many people were here too. His back was tensed up and his eyes everywhere at once.

"Rage, Alpha and Emily's car is already here. I bet they are inside." I said calmly. It's best not to aggravate a bear.

I set a hand down on Rage's back hoping to ease his muscles. I also couldn't get off until he did. "Are you alright?" Rage asked. I was taken back but quickly answered.

"Yes?" I said.

"Let's go then." He said and got off the bike. He kept his eyes on the passerbys as I practically fell off the bike.

I huffed as I stood up. "Thanks." I said sarcastically. Rage just gave me a hard look.

I took it as a sign to start walking, but I was stopped when Rage's hand fell into mine. I turned to him in surprise. His stare still cold as he gestured for me to continue. I glanced at our hands curiously before ignoring it, if it's anything I've learned about this man it's that he is unpredictable.

Even though it felt weird to be holding someone's hand, it was comforting. I haven't had any caring touches throughout my entire life. My mother was out of the picture after I turned two. So I don't remember her. All I had was my father. He put me in dance when I turned three. It had been my mothers wishes. I was glad he did keep me in it, but I wish he could just be supportive and stop trying to steal my success.

Rage's hand was very large compared to mine and I thought my hands were pretty normal sized. Well I'm not sure what a normal sized hand is supposed to look like but I don't think my hand is small. Now Emily, she has baby hands.

The walk to the entrance of the restaurant was short. Rage's brooding presence kept anyone far enough away. Even the hostess at the front was nervous.

"H- hi, two?" She asked.

"Uh, no, I think Emily was the party name?" I said. The hostess's face lit up as if making the connection between the large men she had probably already sat and the one gripping my hand.

"Yes! This way." She smiled.

She led us towards the back of the restaurant. I could already see the large table with the boys and mates. The twins and Carbon also had joined the group.

Before Rage and I even got to the table, Hannah was raising a brow at our hands. I felt a blush grace my cheeks as we separated. The warmth from his hand disappeared as I sat down between Vanessa and Emily.

"Are you alright?" Emily asked. I nodded.

"Of course she is, she was just holding hands with Rage." Nessa whispered.

"Really?" Emily whispered back. "Did it look cute?" Emily asked anticipating the answer.

"Im right here!" I whispered yelled at both of them. They are such gossipers sometimes.

"You girls better be picking your food." Zane said from across the table. Josie was sitting next to him laughing at us. Rude.

"You sound like dad." Emily huffed before picking up her menu. The rest of us did the same.

I've learned Zane is kind of like the 'club dad', if that makes sense. If someone is doing something not... sanitary in the club and Emily is there, he'll get really upset. Or if someone swears he'll shout "language". He reminds me of Captain America from the Avengers movies.

I shake from my thoughts and watch the table around me. Everyone was like a family. It didn't matter how many people they might have killed or the problems they've been through, they accept them just the same. I'm happy Emily didn't give up on me. I know they would do their best to protect me.

My ProtectorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon