25. Last day

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A/n: Today I am going to post two chapters for you guys so here you go ❤️❤️

I was sad when I heard about Amanda's punishment, she shouldn't be going through any of this. I have to talk to Achilles about it. Beatrice has not left my side for a week. I told her to go today because I don't want her to waste her precious time on me. She is the village's healer, everyone needs her.

I sat up and stood on my foot making my way out of the door. I went towards his room, I was shifted to the my room where I was loving before after that day. His room was empty so I went downstairs and to his office. I knocked on his door and his voice came.

"Come in" he said and I went in. When he looked at me he stood from his chair.

"Why did you come here by yourself? If you needed something you should have call me or mother" he said.

"I told Ma to go back to cottage" I said and went to sit on the chair infront of his desk.

"Why? I mean she should .. be here to take care of you" he said still in his thoughts.

"I can take care of myself.." I said.

"I think" I added.

"I know you can but .." He started but I dismissed him with my hand.

"I am here to talk to you about something" I said with serious face.

"I am listening" he sat down and gazed at me.

"Please forgive Amanda" I said and his eyes darken.

"No! you can ask me anything but not this" he said looking on the map that was splayed on the table.

"She doesn't deserve that punishment, she just helped her friend which any normal person would do" I reasoned.

"She betrayed me, I wanted to punish her differently but I didn't beacuse of you so don't expect anything else from me" he said and I looked down with sadness.

"Sure" I said standing up, there is no reason to stay here anymore. He is not going to listen to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"To my room" I told him still looking down. He sighed loudly and then spoke.

"Fine I will end her punishment" he said and I looked at her with a little smile.

"Thank you" I said.

"Don't Thank me" he said looking away from me. I turned around once again to go out of the room when his voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Do you want to go back to your village?" He asked slowly like he is afraid of the answer. I turn to look at him and he seemed serious.

"Would you let me?" I asked him.

"Yes" he said in a small voice like it was difficult for me to get those words out.

"I have learned that you can't win love by force" he said and looked at me.

"I want to go" I said and I saw a little bit hurt in his eyes. I turned around and went to my room.

Finally I am going home but do I want to go now ?? I am not the same girl anymore now after five months of me living here I have changed.

I spend the whole day in my room and then next morning Amanda came, she told me that Achilles has ended her punishment and I was happy for her. She cried alot after meeting me.

"How are you?" She asked me.

"I don't know" I said.

"You didn't deserve any of it" she told me and I smiled at her.

"It's alright I am going back to my home " I said with no happiness when I should be happy about it.

"What? Really?" She asked a little shocked

"Your brother is taking me back, guess what my near to death incident taught him something" I said.

"You will be gone then?" She asked more to herself.

"I will miss you" she said.

"I will miss you too, you are a great friend Amanda" I told her.

"You are no less Flora, I heard what you did for me. It was you who told him to end my punishment. He must really love you" she said the last words lightly.

"Why do you think so?" I asked her.

"He has never changed his ways or decisions for anyone but for you he changed them. Flora I am not siding with him but he really loves you it just that he didn't know how to love someone" she said and I thought for a moment.

Did he really love me? I thought I was just his favourite object that he wanted for a little time and once he would get it he would be tired of it. But the way he kneeled on me and cried for me I can't forget that day. A man like him never cries they only make others cry but that day he looked like a lost man who lost everything that day, his pride mostly.

"I wanted to tell you something before you go" she said was playing with her fingers.

"What?" I asked.

"I am.. going to be .. a mother soon" she told me and I gawked at her.

"Oh my God, Amanda that's amazing. I am so happy for you" I hugged her with happiness.

"I wish you a healthy child" I said.

"Thank you Flora if it wasn't for you I would have still been miserable lost in my past, thank you for helping me find my peace" she said with tears in her eyes.

"If its a girl I would name her Flora" she told me and I chuckled at her.

"Well I would love that little Flora.. but I won't be here to see her" I said sadly.

"You can always come to visit or may be we can come to visit you" she said and I nod at her.

"That's a good idea" I told her. After that we talked a little because tomorrow will be the day when I will go back to my home but I don't feel any happiness which I don't understand why!

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