Chapter 42

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I open my eyes after hearing the sound of guns firing. I feel someone draped around me. The stench of alcohol fills my nose and I know it's Nick. Why am I still here?

He holds my hair in his left hand and a gun in his right. Jake wouldn't have shot if he knew I was next to Nick. It was him. I look down, not on the ground, the ferris wheel still turning. All five of them standing, unharmed. Thank god.

"I'll shoot her," he shouts to Jake and the others.

"Let her go," I hear Dylan growl.

The barrel of his gun is now on the side of my head. Even through my hair I can feel the cold sting of the metal.

What should I do? What should I do?

My mind is racing and my hands are shaking. If I hit him and he shoots, I'm dead. If I reach for the gun, I'm dead.

"Skylar, close your eyes," Cole shouts.

I look at him and then back at Nick. A small red dot glows on the center of his forehead. I look back down and Cole nods at me. My eyes close as tight as they go.

"What do you want? Money? Freedom?" Jake tries to bargain with him. The gun is still pressing hard into my skull. Come on Jake, make him angry.

"Revenge," he whispers so only I can hear.

I open my eyes for one second. Jake raises his gun. Everyone in the park is already long gone. Nick gets flustered. The metal piercing into my skin is gone and is facing towards the boys, and before I can even let out a breath I feel a sudden wetness against my face. The body that was once holding me going limp and falls to the ground and his gun clatters on the flood next to him.

The ride finally comes to a stop but I can't bring myself to get off. He's gone. Just like that. One bullet.

His eyes are open still looking at me. Even dead he manages to creep me out.

"Skylar," I hear a voice shout.

Someone is pulling me off the ride but my feet refuse to cooperate. They are just dragging against the concrete. Everyone's face meshes together and I can't tell who is who. A hand tries to pick me up but I won't let it.

"Don't," I let out.

The hand moves away immediately. The once familiar ache feeling in my ribs makes me clutch my stomach in pain.

"Call an ambulance," I hear a voice say.

"No, not yet."

"What? You're hurt, Sky," I see Zach's face clearly now.

"Not yet. Answers first."

I stand up straight trying to alleviate as much pain as possible. Somehow it's like I can feel the blood coursing through my veins and the oxygen floating to my brain. I can see even molecules in the air and all the sound waves around me. Time moves in slow motion. This is when I find out. This is when the lies stop.

I take a deep breath trying to compose myself.

"Please, Sky, let us help, we can talk at the hospital." That is when I lose it.

Zach walks away going to call for help I assume. I look at the four boys around me and shout my heart out to the world.


"WHY DID YOU TELL ME HE KILLED MY MOM!" I shout at Jake, tears streaming down my face.

He looks at me with so much pity I feel my heart tighten.

"Tell me, Jake!" I yell, my throat sore. "Anyone?" I look around. My eyes scan the four faces in front of me. "Why don't you trust me?" my voice cracking at the end.

The silence is deafening.

"Don't you see what your lies have done? He's dead. HE'S DEAD."


The pressure of the concrete against my knees becomes more unbearable the second I have no energy to get up. I look at everything around me.

"Where is the person who was in charge of this ride?" Jake asks, obviously not to me.

I look around and spot a person in the denim jacket hiding behind a nearby tree. I raise my finger pointing in his direction.

Dylan leaves the circle surrounding me and I see him pull the guy by his collar.

"Let me see who it is," I shout to Dylan.

He looks at Jake for instructions but Jake looks just as lost. I finally rise from my knees to see his face.

It's him. The guy from the parking lot.

"Who are you?" I ask him. His eyes are on the ground.

"Answer her question," Dylan says.

He looks up at me. "You are the one from the parking lot," I say to him. "Ms. Williams. That's what you said before we drove away. Who are you?"
He refuses to speak.

"Take him to the station, Dylan. We will meet you at home," Jake commands.


We get home and Dylan is already on the couch waiting for us. They still haven't answered my questions, and Nick is still dead. I never thought that would happen.

"What did you find out?" I ask.

"Tell her," Jake says, before Dylan can even look at him for a decision.

"His name is Donold Barlow."

"Wait, as in Vivian Barlow?"


My whole world comes crashing down for the millionth time today. Was she also part of this? 


"I need answers right now. This is enough. I've put up with this for way too long."

We went to the clinic at their work to make sure nothing was broken. I got lucky, again. No broken ribs. Deja vu at its finest. This time I won't fall down the stairs like a moron.

"What do you want to know first?"

"Bill. Nick said he killed her. Mom. Is that why you made him leave when he came over?"

"Yes, Skylar. We didn't know what he did until he stepped into our house. If we knew beforehand we never would have let him in the house with you."

"How did mom die?" No one answers. "How did she die?" I ask again. Still nothing. "You said you would answer my questions."

"I'm so sorry Skylar. But we can't tell you."

"Can't or won't. There is a big difference."

"I'm sorry, Sky."

"Stupid me, thinking we would finally put an end to all this, but I guess things will never change. There will always be too many secrets." 


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