Chapter 10: You're Not a Dud

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Rowena stared at the stack of blueberry pancakes in front of her

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Rowena stared at the stack of blueberry pancakes in front of her. Cross and his enforcers had opted not to partake in Gina's offer to feed them breakfast. Abby had a bowl of fruit while Little Mikey was scowling at Rowena, his hand pressed against his stomach, which was making odd gurgling noises. The pawn shop had been closed and after Sal woke up, he opted to go home for the day.

"So, let me get this straight," Gina said, leaning forward on the small dining room table. "You put a curse on my boyfriend because he wouldn't tell you about a woman's gambling debts?"

"That's right," Rowena said, nodding. She picked up the miniature pitcher of blueberry syrup and generously poured them on her pancakes.

"Don't forget the woman is the same woman who Reed cheated on you with," Abby interjected before popping an apple slice in her mouth.

Gina tapped her manicured fingers against the table. "Right, she was the other woman and now she's dead."

Again, Rowena nodded.

"And she died in a house fire after you cursed your ex-boyfriend that his hair would fall out and his house would burn down?"

"She cursed my hair to fall out too!" Little Mikey groaned. "Baby, you know you love my hair."

Gina gave him a tepid smile and patted his arm. "Let me handle this, Mikey." She turned back to Rowena. "And you cursed your ex after damaging his car with a baseball bat?"

Rowena sighed. "Gina, you know I have a bad temper. Rolando is always giving me a hard time about it."

Cross, who was standing behind Rowena, leaned down. "Who is Rolando? Were you seeing someone besides Reed? Who is he? Tell me everything."

"Calm down, Crazy. Rolando is our boss at Sweeter Homes," Rowena answered. "Rolando Sanchez."

Abby, Liam, and Matt all stared at Cross. He shrugged his shoulders. "What?"

Liam cleared his throat. "You sound..."

Cross scowled. "What? I sound what?"

"Jealous." Gina pointed at Cross. "You sound jealous but you have no reason to. One, you're incredibly handsome. And two, Rolando is like an uncle to all of us." She turned to Rowena. "And having a bad temper is not an excuse to go postal on someone's car, Rowena. No wonder they think you killed that woman."

"I know it looks bad but I'm innocent. I would never kill someone. It's a commandment. Thou shall not kill. If I broke that, my family would kill me before disowning me...again. You know how they are."

"Mentally stable women do not curse people's hair to fall out and for their houses to burn down." Gina shook her head.

"His hair didn't fall out," Matt shared. When all eyes turned to him, he scratched the back of his neck and cleared his throat. "I mean, Reed's house burned down but her curse about the hair didn't work."

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