Chapter 3

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Y/N had been kind enough to provide a room for Maleficent in one of the wings of her castle. Though he hadn't seemed the most grateful at first, Y/N knew that he was thankful for her foresight of him not having a home. At least, not one that he felt safe in. Few knew where to find her castle, and those who did were subjected to either the kindness or wrath of the fairy, who could peer into their souls.

Days had passed and night had come and Y/N stared into her seeing pool, watching as Maleficent slept with Diaval perched on a golden stand beside him, his beak tucked under his wing. Y/N smiled and drew her hand along the surface of the water, whispering a few words in a strange language unknown to all but her and those who came before.

"I bless you with dreams of wonder and joy, Maleficent of the Moors. May this night ease your troubles and may you wake with a clear mind." She smiled once more when she saw a small quirk on his mouth. He would have a good sleep tonight, forgetting all about the betrayal that he felt from Stefan's greed.

But Y/N's face fell as she left the edge of the seeing pool, approaching a large archway that led out onto a rail-less balcony. In truth, it was more of a ledge than a balcony, and if anyone were to fall, their death would be certain, confirmed by the sharp rocks that stared up at the ledge, their claws ready to grab any victim that came too near. Y/N, however, had no fear of her possible demise and stepped off of the ledge, allowing gravity to claim her before coming to a sudden halt just above the tallest of the jagged peaks.

She hovered for a moment, staring out at the dark horizon and the castle that stood, tall and proud.

As she hovered, a glowing light erupted on her back, and as time passed, two wings as pure as the sunlight and starlight above formed on her back. Similar to Maleficent's wings, but instead of feathers darker than night, her feathers were made from pure light. She beat them once to gain altitude and the second time pushed her forward toward the human castle, far from the safety of her domain.

When she reached the human kingdom, her wings faded as she gently set herself down on the cobblestone street. In these deepest hours of the night, most of the kingdom was asleep, save for those partying in the tavern, and the few guards still patrolling the walls around the castle. Y/N feared none of these and waved her hand, casting a shadow to fall over herself and embrace her in a cloak of dirt. Her staff became a cane and she walked forward, acutely aware of the guards' eyes on her as she neared the castle.

Some rushed down to greet her at the gate, unsure as to why she would come here, and who she was, but as they neared the gate, they were surprised to find that the woman had disappeared. No trace of her was left behind, and as they looked to the skies, trying to discern what had been the cause of her sudden disappearance, they were ignorant of the woman currently making her way toward the royal quarters within the castle itself.

As she approached the doors to the king's chamber, she tapped her staff once, causing the guards to doze off, allowing her to pass through undetected. She opened the doors with the tap of her stick and entered, tapping once more to wake the couple from their sleep.

Stefan was the first to realise that there was a hooded figure standing in their bed-chamber and sat up in an instant, reaching for his sword and calling for the guards. Y/N waved her hand and the doors behind her shut, trapping her in with the new king and queen. Or rather, trapping them in with her.

"Do not fear me," she said, remaining near the door. "You have no reason to, for I do not come here with evil intentions." She lifted her hand and Stefan watched in awe and wonder as magic started to trickle from the woman's fingers to his wife, still half asleep. "I come here with a blessing for the happy couple."

Slowly, she started to walk to the queen's side of the bed and took a seat on the side, gently laying her hand atop the queen's. She shut her eyes for a moment, as if in contemplation before asking, "You wish for a child, do you not?"

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