5. I will

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Chapter 5

"W-what do you mean by that?" Eleanor asked carefully, she had always known her identical sister had a mind that could not be changed, once she wanted or came up with something even the gods could not prevent her, like now with her eyes gleaming with mischievous and standing in front of the mirror that now showed how years of age could not change the fact that they were identical.

"Exactly as I said, you wont marry that heartless man, besides I believe god made us twins for a reason." Lily answered and was glad that she had not taken the decision of chopping her hair months ago when she couldn't pin it with all the thick and long golden hair that fell any second. What a waste it would have been.

As If something rushed inside Eleanor she shook her head slowly, her eyes widen, "You—we can't, Father does not even know you've returned,"

"Father will have a rather shocking surprise today then, because I intend to return whether he likes it or not, but don't freight, I actually need to be cordial with him for this to work," Lily replied even though her anger was fully against their father who went against everything he promised her before she was shipped to Ireland, she needed to hold that anger within until the right time came. Now she needed to be at his good side, "Aunt Cecilia has probably informed him about my return anyway," she continued at her sister's agape mouth now that closed and opened as a fish, "But-but you can't mean to say. that..."

"That I pretend to be you? Whyever not? We promised to help each other no matter and never leave each other, I have already broken that vow and need to make up for it," Lily told and the guilt she bore for years as she hoped she done the right decision turned out to be wrong, she could never let Eleanor know that. Covering her thoughts, she plastered a huge smile that reflected on the mirror, "Besides, I have not had the fun to fool anyone for years without you, serves father right"

"Oh Lily! What of you then? You don't love him.. you don't even know him.." Eleanor covered her mouth as her lips quivered, Lily waved her hand in the air as if it was a rubbish notion, "Love is for fairy-tales and you my dear, I have no expectations for that in my life. And as you have explained about him I am most glad he does not share deep feelings for you because it would make everything difficult for me to leave..." she shuddered at the thought of the man being in love with her twin sister, god forbid.

"You will leave? but he is an Earl and wants a countess... he wants a wife, who can take over the household and he seem to not be the type to grant a divorce or annulment"

"He will get that, temporarily, until you elope with Kevin and once Lord Hartwick finds out I am not his legal bride, he'd want nothing to do with me. That being said I will have my freedom and you the man of your dreams," Lily explained as she now clasped her sisters' hands and dragged them to sit on the edge of the bed, "Tell me this. You know that lies between us are impossible, do you truly deeply feel like marrying him? can you go through with the vows? matrimony? tell me I am crazy then..."

"Oh lily I cannot bear it." She sobbed miserably, "Kevin is my only love.. I cant---" she finished in tears and Lily closed her eyes with a raged breath leaving her throat dry, "And you wont let me barge into fathers study? Tell him that I wont allow it?,"

Eleanor's eyes widen as she desperately shook her head, "Father would throw a wrath, he would banish me.. and what would that make difference, I would never see Kevin,"

Lily nodded with a determination, "Then it is settled," she said and meet the same coral blue eyes of her sister who know looked anxious, "Settled?"

"I will marry Lord Hartwick"



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