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Micheal's POV

"I do not like being summoned like a little pup"
"Judging by your behaviour, you are not far from one"
"Not this again Dad" I sighed exhausted "I am going to choose to ignore that and leave before I say something I will regret"
"You amaze me son, you managed to destroy the peace between our pack and dark moon that your forefathers and I kept for generations" he said.
"He started it when he insulted my mate"                           
"Kathy! Kathy! Kathy! it is always her and am sick of it. I curse the day she came into this pack" he scorned.
"Shut up! I will not let you disrespect my mate" I shouted grabbing him by the collar with both hands pulling him close to me.
"Take your hands off me boy!" he raged. Letting go, I was ready to walk out the door but the next words he uttered made me and my Wolf see red.
"If only she died in the rogue attack, non of this would be happening"

I could see the regret in his eyes but it was too late. I lost control, my Wolf wanted him to pay in blood. I tackled him to the ground and well, all hell broke loose.
I knew my father being an Alpha wolf would not back down. We fought, I could hear yelling and screaming, but no one dared to interfere.
Yet, despite the risk of death, Kathy bravely came in to stop the fight. I am so proud of my mate.
It has been a few days since then, I have not seen nor spoken to my father, my mother keeps pleading for us to reconcile. I will not do it. At least not now.
Kathy and I have talked about what my dad said after the fight. I have apologized, telling her not to take what my father said to heart. Even my mother apologized for my father's irrational behaviour.
My mate has not said much since then, everything seems to have returned to normal but I still have an inkling that she is hiding something from me.

"Believe me, we are doing everything we can to find him" I say to the parents sitting across from me with a morose expression on their faces. I made the announcement informing the pack of David's disappearance, now his parents have been to my office multiple times for any news on their son. I just don't understand how one of my best warriors would disappear into thin air. So far all our searches have yielded nothing.
Pack morale is down, the past days have not been good, I have fought with two Alpha's and pack members are now weary of my temper. This is why today we are having a bonfire, a sort of come together party, Kathy's idea. She said our people needed to unwind and not think about recent events. We all need a break.

I have had enough of my duties and plaguing thoughts for the day deciding to take a walk to the open field to check on my warriors. I spot Jude and Lea sparring surrounding by other noisy warriors.
"Come to let off some steam Alpha?" Chris asks as he comes to stand by my side. "Yes, I have actually, do you want to be my spar partner?"
"Sure" he says rolling his shoulders standing in an offensive stance beckoning me to move forward with his fingers.
"Oh, look at you getting all confident" I tease
"I am fairly self-assured in beating you Alpha, you see I have put in more hours in training and..." Chris screams as I yank his arm, lift him over my shoulder and slam him to the ground squeezing his neck in a guillotine choke. He taps my arm, I let go.
"Ow! man!. You didn't have to hit me so hard" he coughs out. I offer my hand and he grabs it helping him up "Don't be such a baby, I barely even grazed you, two hits and you become a whiny baby"
"That's because it hurts" he cries out. Big baby Beta.
I decide to head home to take a shower. Entering my house, I can hear sniffing coming from the bedroom.
Opening the door, I find Kathy sitting on the bed, her eyes blotchy with tear stains on her cheeks.
"Baby what is it? What happened? Are you hurt?" I ask kneeling in front of her, my eyes roaming all over her body for any sign of physical trauma. She shakes her head, wraps her arms around my neck breaking into a sob.
"Please beautiful tell me what is wrong so that I can fix it" I try to remove her arms but she holds on tighter continuing with her sobs. I rub my hand on her back while my other hand is wrapped around her waist whispering calming words to her.
Her cries eventually die down, I feel a wet stain on my shirt but that's not important right now.
"I am so sorry" she mumbles into my neck.
"Why are you sorry baby? Kathy you are scaring me"  removing her hands from around my neck, cupping her cheeks, I tilt her neck up to look into her eyes "please tell me what's wrong"
"It's - nothing, I am just being silly and emotional" she chuckles after a few seconds of silence wiping her bloodshot eyes and runny nose.  It scares me that her emotional state has changed so quickly "Come on, we need to get ready for the party" she stands. What the hell?
"We promised not to hide anything from each other" I say grabbing her wrist. Her lips quiver as tears swell up in her eyes.
"Hey, please tell me truth, whatever it is, we will solve it together" she takes a deep shaky breathe "Okay I will tell I promise but only after the party"
"It's getting late Micheal, we need to get ready for the party".
"I think it would be better if we cancelled the party"
"No! it's too late, the party has already began. The pack has been looking forward to this. We can't cancel"
"No buts my love, the pack needs this. I. Am. Fine. Promise"
"Okay". I relent.
Does she not realize that if she is in pain then I am in pain too. Her happiness and well being will always be top priority for me. I am not letting her out of my sight especially  tonight, not until she tells me what's going on.

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