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Chance walked alone down the streets of Gardena California. He moved down here a few months ago, still unfamiliar with this area. It seemed nice to him so far despite the unbearable heat, at least it was better than the trenches of Detroit.

In attempt to get away from the loud groups of people celebrating New Year's Eve, he took a detour in-between the buildings, in an alley. It looked like a shortcut to the smoke shop he was trying to get to but it turned out to be a dead end.

"This sum bullshit." He muttered to himself before turning back around.

"Nah fuck dis." He faced the wall and prepared himself to jump over.

Ironically for Chance's 6'3 height the wall was too tall, a few feet higher. He turned back around in defeat and walked back onto the street.

After taking the normal route he made it the parking lot a couple minutes later. A pair of feet coming up behind him rather quickly alerted him to turn around with his gun cocked.

He let out a scream of pain as a cold steel knife lodged into his lower abdomen. He immediately let off 3 rounds towards the dark figure until the gun jammed.

"Ain't this a bitch?" He thought to himself. His day just been all the way fucked up.

Clearly injured the perpetrator ran off leaving an equally injured Chance to collapse on the cold asphalt of the parking lot. His head fell in a widely sized pothole making his neck bend at an uncomfortable angle.

Minutes passed but still no one found the man lying on the parking lot ground, groaning lowly in discomfort. Until the intense clicking of a pair of heels ascended towards him.

"Oh shit, nigga is you dead?" She squatted down next to him.

No word she just said went through his thick skull. He saw an angel in front of him. A real life angel, right before his eyes he could barely believe it. The sweet aroma that surrounded her made him smile.

"Angel." He whispered softly.

"So you not dead yet, okay." She disregarded his delusions.

His dizzy vision faded in and out as he tried to keep focus on the goddess before him.

"You have a knife plunged in you, you're slowly bleeding out, and you're mumbling weird shit. So I'mma assume you need help." Her long white acrylic nails scratched her hair as she tried to figure out what to do.

"Are you an angel?" He asked.

"Am angel? Whew chile." She just laughed, shaking her head.

Her head multiplied into three and the rest of the world faded away. His head began to spin so he closed his eyes. She shook his arm gently to see if he was really knocked out.

Taking his lack of response as a confirmation, she dragged him to her car.

Taking his lack of response as a confirmation, she dragged him to her car

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