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"Paul I promise I have nothing to do with your mother! I am loyal to you and you only you know this! Where is this coming from?!" You cried as you paced around the room.

"She told me you're out to betray me Y/N!"

"And you trust what she says?! When has she ever done anything to help you, Paul!"

He sighed and ran his hand over his face before looking up at you. You stood in front of him, tears pouring down your face as you tried to hold sobs in with your hand over your mouth.

"I can't believe you're trusting her more than me. The person who's done nothing but be by your side this entire time. I've never given you a reason to doubt me and suddenly you don't trust me?" You said as you looked at him, begging for anything.

"She said she's heard multiple people talking about you being unfaithful"

"I am not your first wife Paul!" You screamed and he looked at you shocked. You shook your head before running from the room.

"Y/N!" He shouted as he chased after you. You ran down the halls and out to the stables. The stable boy grabbed your house and you ran over, jumping on and taking off.

"Get me a horse now!" Paul screamed as he watched you rush off. The stable boy grabbed him a horse and Paul jumped on before racing after you.

You took off into the woods and towards the river; wiping the tears from your face as you sobbed. You can to the river and climbed off the horse and sat on the riverbank. You pulled your knees to your chest as you sat there, sobbing loudly as your whole body shook.

Paul rode up and saw you.

You were called into a small ball and your whole body was shaking. He could hear you sobbing as he rode closer. He climbed off and slowly walked over.

You could hear him walking up to you and ignoring him. You felt him place his coat over your shoulders before he sat down next to you. You moved your head to look away from him and he sighed. He moved to kneel in front of you.

"Please look at me," he said quietly and you scoffed.

"Go away, Paul. I'm clearly waiting for one of my many men to come to pick me up" you said venomously.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't listen to anyone but you. I don't know why I listened when she said it. I should have listened to you. I am so so so sorry" he said, taking hold of your hands.

"Why don't you trust me Paul?" you asked and he sighed.

"I do trust you. My anger just took over me and I am sorry. I won't do it again. I'll be better. I'll do better" he begged as you looked at him.

Your eyes were red and so were your cheeks and nose. Your cheeks were shiny with tears and you sniffled. His heart ached at the sight of you so upset in front of him.

Because of him.

"Can we please go inside? You need to change because you're all muddy" he said as he stood up. He tried to pull you up but instead, he lost his footing and fell face-first into the mud. You gasped and started laughing as he looked up and was covered in mud.

"I'm glad you find this so funny because I do not," he said as he stood up again. He tried to storm off but the mud was slippy so he started to look like he was ice skating. He looked up to see you sitting on the river bank, his coat over your shoulders as you laughed, looking at him with bright eyes.

You stood up and offered him your hand. You pulled him back up and he stood in front of you with mud all over him.

You removed his coat from your shoulders and using the sleeves you gently wiped the mud from his face.

He stood there watching as gently wiped the mud from his face.

"I never meant to upset you. I am sorry. I won't make a mistake like that again. You're my wife. I trust you and I'm sorry that I ever made you think I didn't" he said as he placed his hands on your sides.

You smiled at him gently and nodded as you got the majority of the mud off his face.

"I got most of the mud off but there's still a bit. You'll need a bath to wash it all off properly" you said as you handed him his coat and made your way over to your horse.

You climbed on and looked at Paul sadly before riding back to the palace. He ran over to his horse and jumped on before catching back up to you. He rode alongside you, not saying anything but looking over in your direction multiple times.

"Thank you," you said to the stable boy as you climbed down and passed him your horse. You walked into the palace with Paul right by your side. You walked into the bedroom and dismissed your ladies, just wanting to be left alone. You tried to undo your dress but struggled, groaning out of frustration.

Paul came over from the bathroom and walked over to you and slowly undid your dress as you stood there not saying anything. He pressed a kiss to your back once he'd undone your dress and went to walk back to the bathroom.

You grabbed his hand and pulled him back, wrapping your arms around him as you hugged him. He held you tightly as you both silently stood there hugging.

"I am sorry darling," he said, holding the back of your head.

"I know you are. Please trust me" you said and he nodded against your head.

"I do trust you. I will never doubt you again I promise. Just stay with me, please. By my side" he said as he cupped your face.

"I'm not going anywhere," you said and he smiled before kissing you gently.

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