Double bladed knife

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"Bellator does not like that,"


"Why? The one with the accent chuckles. "Reclaimed souls are treated like this for a reason, if they try and find a short cut. They could murder every soul in heaven. Even the devil doesn't to die that way,"

Yes, he does. The devil deserves everything he gets. Heaven? Monsters don't deserve to go there, they've murdered too many. They should go to hell instead.

"Why do they go to heaven?"

A guard opens his mouth but shuts it close. The other speaks up, glancing past her.

"I think Olivia wants to talk to you,"

Peering back, he saw Olivia watching them. She stood by the railing, looking prim and proper in her dress and mask.

In the dungeon, Sam walks downs one of the hallways with a clipboard in his arms and a pen behind his ear. Shifted souls shove their body on the bars, reaching their arms towards him. A Bellator turns the corner.

"A few centuries ago, you could never find your way through here, " Bellator flashes him a smile. "Look at you now," His light voice carries over the beasts screams.

"I'm just doing my job."

Sam doesn't look up at him, peering into the other cell without stepping towards it. Bellator chuckles.

"I never noticed how much time has passed, until I see something like this," He says as he walks towards him.

"Or when she came back," Sam glances up,

"No, time stopped for me when she left. There was no light. No..." He sighs, running his hand through his hair.

As his finger move, bugs crawl out from the cracks and crawl towards him. Eager to eat his skin.

"What's it like, to love someone?" Sam lowers his clipboard.

Concern flashes on his face but the bugs quickly eat it away.

"To love? Did not you find someone in your search 24 centuries ago, on earth?"

"I did, but I made a mistake," Sam lowers his head, "She hates me now."

"She is still alive?"

"Yes..I look into the sphere and check in on her every now and then."

"Sam, you know better than to do that. Maybe you are not right for this job,"

The reaper perks up, snapping his head towards Bellator.

"What job?"

"I am leaving for a few weeks and I need someone to take over for me. I thought that someone would be you, Sam,"

His jaw falls, but nothing comes out.

"Finish cataloging the shifting souls, and their state," Bellator twists on his heal.

"I'd have to start over.."

"Do you want the job?"

Sam runs past him, manovering his way through the hands of the monsters. A smile plastered on his face.

"You won't have the job if you are dead!" Bellator calls out, chuckling.

Upstairs, Reanna makes her way towards Olivia.

"Did you get the answers you needed?" Olivia flashes her a smile as Reanna approaches.

"I think so. Is it true that Bellator is the only who knows the afterlife?"

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