Chapter 47

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I can't sleep. I've been tossing and turning in bed for the last two hours, and despite the fact that I have to be up in 5 hours for work, my eyes refuse to shut. I know that I'm going to have to pay for it tomorrow when I'm dragging my feet across the floor, but for now, my eyes are wide open, I'm leaning on the right side of my body, and my hands are placed underneath my pillow.

I wonder at what point Nico was going to tell me about his parent's anniversary celebration. Or the fact that they aren't going through with their divorce anymore...not that it's any of my business. But he really waited until the last second. He was right though, when he said that his parents find any excuse that they can to throw a party. I've been to a few Bradford events in my lifetime, and let me tell you, they're pretty out-of-this world. I'm nowhere near rich, but you can't help but feel like royalty when you step foot into a Bradford party. Women are dressed in gowns; men in tuxedos. There's a live band, fire performers...escargot being served on silver platters, for crying out loud. Knowing Mr. and Mrs. Bradford, celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary won't be any different. If anything, it'll be even more opulent. I hate to say this, but Nico's parents are all about show. To them, it's not about how unhappy you are on the inside, but how happy you look on the outside.

I've always been dumbfounded by the fact that Nico is nothing like his parents. He's not spoiled, and he's definitely not a liar. He's intelligent, and my guess is that he picked up on his parents' flaws growing up and knew that he wanted to be nothing like them when he got older.

Knowing I won't be able to fall asleep until I text him, I reach for my phone on the nightstand and hold it above my head.

Me: Just curious, was it going to take my mom coming home to find you in our house at 12 AM for you to hand over the invitation?

Assuming that I won't hear from Nico until the morning, I go to drop my phone on the nightstand. But right as I do, my phone lights up with a text from him.

Nico: I was doing you a favor by not handing it to you, BC.

Me: Yeah? How do you figure?

Nico: That party will be the farthest thing from a celebration of love. It's just a façade.

My thumbs twiddle as I think about how to respond. But Nico beats me to the punch.

Nico: Goodnight, BC.

I know that this party is bothering Nico, hence the fact that he doesn't want to talk about it. The thing with Nico is, he feels deeply, but, sometimes, he downplays it to be strong. So, while I normally wouldn't press someone who doesn't want to talk about something, with Nico it's different. He needs pressing. And I'm going to press.

Me: I'm coming over tomorrow after work. Make sure you're home.


I find myself counting down the seconds until work ends. I can't stop thinking about Nico. How's he's feeling about the party; how he's feeling about his parents in general. Their marriage has always been a sore topic with him, so I always try to tread lightly around it. Nico does talk to me about how his parents' basically non-existent relationship affects him, but to a limit. I know that he still bottles a lot in.

Gillian Bradford has always been the "perfect" wife, and I put perfect in quotations because it's her version of what perfect means. In my eyes, she's far from it.

There are many facets to what makes a great mother, but a major one involves being there wholeheartedly for your children in times of need; making them feel loved. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for Gillian Bradford - or for Nico. If an expensive brunch with friends at the country club conflicted with Nico's extracurricular activities, you better believe that she chose dining on overly priced food over her own son.

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