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"Yeah," he says, laughing.

"Have I met him?"

"Duh. Horace is-"

"Fuck you doing in here," I hear Nardo's voice rise with anger. I look over to see him glaring at Reggie.

"Just talking. Ion have no friends," I respond, reaching my arms out for my food. He hands it to me and I hand Reggie a fork.

"What y'all was talking about," he asks, taking a sip of my drink. I grab it out his hand and he laughs, kissing my cheek as I chowed down on the food.

"Hor-" Reggie cuts me off.

"Chris stupid ass."

"Shouldn't be surprised."

"Wick, man I'm just saying. You needa watch your back. I don't fuck with him."

"But I do so get over it. And stop eating my girl food," Nardo says, snatching my hash browns from Reggie.

"She said I could have some," he says and I nod.

"Ight," he says handing it back to Reggie. He smiles and starts to eat again.

"He don't like being called that," Reggie whispers when Nardo gets on his phone.

I look at him confused. Doesn't like being called what?

"Whea Tony," Nardo asks, pulling my leg over his lap. He places his hand on my thigh and starts to massage it. It feels good, in all honesty.

"Went get some baby killers," Reggie says and I smack his hand. He lifts his arms up and start laughing.

"Tell him don't bother, I did what I did for a reason." With that, he stands up placing my legs to the side and walks to the bathroom.

Fuck he mean? I don't want no kids at all. I'm not fit to be a mother. I love kids, that ain't mine. I'm not finna be changing fucking diapers. Plus, that means I'm gonna have to stay here. And I don't know if I want to. Sex is never a good reason to stay, no matter how good it is. My sister taught me that.

She and I used to be close, but she was in a abusive relationship so she ran away to protect me and my family.  And never came back.

"Well I guess we finna have a mini Wick," Reggie says, pulling out his phone. I place my hand over it and shake my head. No way in hell am I having this man's child.

"He gon kill us," he says, locking his phone and throwing it on the bed, then grabbing my plate of pancakes.

"Nah, imma kill him first."


Tony comes back with the plan b pills and some candy. I happily take his candy and the pills up to the room, while Nardo is downstairs talking to Chris. I'm still confused on who Horace is and why Reggie didn't just finish telling me before he left.

I open the bathroom door, close it and lock it. I place the pill on my tongue and swallow. Thank God. He bought a lot so I hide them in the back of the cabinet.  As I'm moving stuff, something falls out. A birth certificate. I pull it out and it literally reads;

Horace Bernard Walls III

Why does Nardo have this in here? Hidden. Who is Horace and why does everybody wanna kill him? Was he one of the niggas that shot up the corner store? Or in the room the first time I met Chris?

I continue to look, digging all the way back. There's dust here, so I know Nardo never comes back here. I hope he never does. I see guns and bullets, knives, everything back here. There's a box in there too. I try to reach for it but then I hear a bang.

I go to pick my head up and hit it on the inside of the cabinet.

"Shit," I curse, rushing to put everything back.

"Why the door locked," I hear Nardo yell, messing with the knob. I close the cabinet and hold my head just as he gets the door open.

"By habit, sorry," I say, grabbing the candy and walking past him. He pulls me by my hips back to him and starts kissing down my neck. He pulls me into the bathroom, throwing my candy on the bed, and then pushing me against the wall.

"Imma give you something to feel sorry about," he says with a smirk. He starts unbuckling his pants and I look past him onto the floor. My stupid ass didn't put the Plan Bs in the cabinet. They're in clear view. "Fuck got your attention?"

He looks at me annoyed and I quickly look back at him. I place my hands on his belt, but he smacks them away as he turns around.

"What's that shit on the floor?" He goes to the pack of Plan Bs and picks them up. "I told you ian want you taking this shit."

"I-I didn't wanna get pregnant," I say, trying to grab it out his hand. He pushes me back harshly, and I hit my head again, this time on the toilet.

"Shit," he says, coming towards me. He reaches out for me but I kick at him.

"Get away from me," I scream at the top of my lungs. This shit hurts. It feels like somebody just shot me in the back of my head.

"Who you raising your voice at?"

"You," I say, fed up. I stand up without his help and try to get past him. But I fail, he just pulls me and places me on the vanity counter. He goes into a cabinet and pulls out a first aid kit. I pull my hand down and look at it. There's blood. I'm bleeding.

"Ion know how to do this shit," he says, frustrated after trying to read the back. He throws it on the floor and punches the door with his fists. He comes back to me and wraps his arms around me. I tense up, and don't hug back. I just let him do what he pleases.

"Ian mean to hurt you," he says, placing his head on my shoulder. "I just ain't want you taking that shit. I want you to stay. I want you ta have my kids and shit. Ion even know why."

"Ion want your kids," I say, pulling away from him. "I don't want to be here."

"You ain't got a choice Ight," he says, backing away. "Imma kill Tony and Reggie fa not doing what I said. Imma deal with you later."

"N-Nardo wait," I call out. He turns around and looks at me, pure anger and sadness in his eyes.

"W-who is Horace?"

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