The Childish Contract

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Raymond scowled at what he was reading. An email from his brother just dropped, and it contained a worksheet with carefully outlined tasks Raymond needed to attend to during his 'work leave'. He wouldn't lie, he was a bit pissed at Mike. His brother, who was sadly more prone to pulling stunts to please their father, had informed the man of Genevieve roping him into two trips before she'd return to work.

Which brought Raymond to another unpleasant call he had with his father the other day.

"I thought you possessed excellent negotiation skills. Not one but two trips with some spoiled brat while your job suffers? Come on. How did she succeed in stringing you along?"

It had been on the tip of Raymond's tongue to remind his father that it was his bright idea to grovel at the senator's feet and do whatever it takes to get back in her good grace. But he took the bullets in silence. Five years ago, he had made a decision and it would take much more than a narcissistic small man to crack his resolve.

"I apologize that it came to this," Raymond had managed to say. "I will do my best—"

His father had chuffed. There was the sound of clinking glass and soft jazz in the background. He was probably relaxing in one of his boat clubs. "Just do the needful. The longer you're away from your duty post, the more room for mismanagement grows. Mike cannot shoulder it all for long. I've instructed him to prepare one of those detailed worksheets. Every duty you can attend to while on the go, you will take care of. And no commercial flights. I want these juvenile trips done and dusted as fast as possible."


Tola had been sitting across from him when the call came in. When he asked how the call went, Raymond only smiled and said 'fine'. It could have been worse. His father had been somewhat relaxed this time, not in the mood to fly into one of his harsh dress-downs. Tola was the one who drove him to the private wing of the airport and wished him a happy time coral farming at the Maldives reef before zooming off with a laugh.

Raymond checked his wristwatch. Less than an hour's waiting time before take-off. Genevieve was due to be in the waiting area any moment now. One of the jets lined past the tall glass wall to his right belonged to his father, and the man had made it a point of duty to inform Senator Amanda of his kind donation to assist her daughter's humanitarian strides.

If anything, Raymond had to hand it to his father. The man knew how to lay it on thick. Even though the senator struck him as a woman who wouldn't be swayed by such gestures, he suspected she accepted the offer because of the convenience it afforded her daughter. The Senator seemed to care for Genevieve even though in Raymond's opinion, she was a tad excessive. If anything, the message he received the night before was proof of that.

It seems my daughter is not satisfied with the opportunities I provided for her and secretly wishes to return to work for Dominic & Dimes. I am not pleased with this turn of events seeing that I wish that Genevieve remains within proximity. If she agrees to return to your company, transfer her to your Abuja branch as soon as you can manage.

The senator's demand was an easy one to fulfil. If Genevieve keeps her word to return to Dominic & Dimes after their trips, he would immediately have her transferred within a month. He was not foolish enough to cross the senator; doing that will invalidate the point of the trips.

The sound of approaching clicking heels snagged Raymond's attention. Looking up, he drew a quick breath. Starting from her pointed-toe black pumps, to white tailored tapered trousers, sleek black blazers, and eyes hidden behind dark oversized sunglasses. He blinked at her appearance, fighting and failing to stop staring as she strolled over.

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