10 RAR

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"What do you mean it's gone?" I seethed at my boss. He pressed his fingers together and lowered his head.

"It's been sold."

"You sold my photo?" I hissed and crossed my arms. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! The photo I put on display last week was the only thing I had to show at my class so my professor wouldn't think I was slacking off! I only put it on display because I thought it was for him to review! "To who?" I questioned through my clenched jaw.

"To our sponsor."

"When did they come in and snag my photo? I didn't see anyone the day they were supposed to come in!"

"He was here a few days ago while you were on sick leave." He scratched his forward and leaned back in his office chair.

"Give him the money back. Tell him the photo isn't for sale."

"I can't."

"Why the heck not?!" I growled and stomped my foot.

"Because it was in our contract." He frowned. "You should be happy, Charlie." I shot him a death glare at the usage of my nickname. "Listen, I was waiting to tell you this. But the sponsor who bought your photo is hosting a large showcase event tomorrow night. He wanted me to invite you personally, so he could meet the person who took the photo."

"And why should I be happy?" I trailed off, waiting for him to finish his point.

"Well," My boss licked his lips. "Once he heard that the person who took the photo was a major in Photography, he wanted to offer you money to help you pay off your student loan, and offer you a position at another gallery that pays more. He wants to feature your work."

"Oh." I blinked.

"Oh, indeed." My boss smirked, and opened the draw from his desk. He pulled out a small invitation card and handed it to me. "Here's the invitation. Do you need someone to escort you there..?" He asked, pointing at my leg.

I only walked with a mild limp now, since the sprain was getting better. "No need." I sighed and held out my hand to take the invitation. "I guess I'll go."

I had no choice now. Maybe I could convince the sponsor to let me borrow my photo back for school.


I slowly walked inside the large tall glass building alongside a bunch of other rich looking people. They all were wearing designer clothes, and I saw them give the keys to their fancy cars to the valet on the way inside.

My boss wasn't kidding when he said it was a large event. My introvert nerves started to shiver. I limped over to the side of the room, allowing for other guests to walk in. I didn't want to hold them back further.

My eyes drifted to a table of food nearby. This was a familiar scene. My stomach gurgled at the sight. I limped over and took a small paper plate, and studied my options.

The familiar food, red cabbage.. no.. what was it called? Kimchi? I took a few spoonfuls on my plate. A small smile formed on my lips as I took a bite.

"Charlotte?" A familiar voice called. I felt his hot breathe trickle down my neck, and I jerked forward in surprise. When I turned around, my eyes grew wide. Levi was standing there, sharply dressed in a suit and tie. His hair was cut and gelled back neatly. There were no more blue streaks on his hair. "What are you doing here?"

"Um.." I lowered my plate and glanced around.

"Shouldn't you be at home resting your foot?" He gazed down at my leg.

"I was invited here." I coughed and shoved down the rest of the kimchi in my mouth. "What about you?"

"Likewise." He shrugged and took a glass of champagne next to me on the table. "How did you get invited to a place like this?" He mumbled and looked away while he took a swig of his drink.

"One of our largest sponsors at the gallery I work .. bought a photo. One that I took."

Levi paused, and lowered his glass. His eyes flickered back to me. "Oh?" He twirled the champagne glass with his fingers casually.

"I was hoping to meet with him today to convince him to let me borrow the photo for my school project. That's what the photo was for originally." I sighed and placed my paper plate in the trash once I finished eating.

"Mmm.." He hummed in a dull tone. "That seems a bit rude, don't you think?"

"Rude?" I scoffed. "It's my photo. My gallery sold it to him without my permission."

"However," Levi raised his head and tilted it in my direction cockily. "If it's been sold, it no longer belongs to you. Meaning, you can't snag it back for a project." He smirked and exhaled. "Looks like you'll have to find a new project to work on."

"Why are you so.. rude?" I frowned.

Before he could reply, a loud voice heard through the speakers caught our attention. "Ladies and Gentleman, the showcase event is about to start."


This event was the most boring I've ever been to. I waited for 3 hours to meet with our sponsor, and he didn't even bother to show himself. Not to mention, I was forced to wait and watch a bunch of rich people bid and buy the most useless material items for a high price.

"Do you need to be escorted home?" Levi's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I glanced at him before turning my head back in the direction I was facing. I wasn't in the mood to walk with him.

"No." I replied venomously.

"Are you sure—" He was interrupted when the same older man, his father had called for him. Levi's expression switched from concerned, to a very annoyed one. They exchanged a few words in their language, and Levi rolled his eyes when his father snarled at him.

He walked over to me, snatched my arm in his and walked forward. "Wait!" I limped a bit, trying to keep up with him. "What are you—"

"Shut up and walk." He spat.

"I can't—" I panted. "I can't keep up!"

"Oh." He slowed down and looked to my feet. "I forgot. Sorry."

"Where are you taking me?"


Didn't I just tell him I didn't need any help? What was wrong with him? He was making me feel so confused by all his actions. One moment, he was very cold and distant to me. The next, he was worried and concerned. Did he suffer from bipolar disorder? "You don't have to—"

"I know." He exhaled and reached his hand up to his tie. He loosened it and dropped the hand to his side. "I just.." He trailed off. "I just need a break."

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