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The next few days were rather repetitive

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The next few days were rather repetitive. Still in the hospital, I got to get to know some of my brothers better as they never left me alone. Most of my time was spent with Ares and Matteo. Luca was busy with school but I saw him in the evenings. Lorenzo was busy with work so I never really saw him. But, Matteo told me I was already asleep when he came to visit. However, I don't know why I haven't seen much of Bruno. He must just be busy with his tattoo studio.

Despite being the most distant with Ares at the beginning, I think I would say I'm closest with him now. Matteo says he's never seen this side of Ares, so gentle and soft. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

Today is the day I finally get my chest tube out and can go home. I find it weird to call my brothers house home, but they have made it clear they would never get rid of me and their home is as much mine as it is theirs. I'm excited to leave the hospital but at the same time scared of getting my tube removed. 

Ares did promise me he'd take me to his boxing gym once I get my tube out as motivation. I can't lie, I'm super excited that he decided to share one of his passions with me. It makes me feel included.

A soft knock pulls me from my thoughts. I look at the door to see Matteo enter along with a cart full of medical supplies. Uh oh, I think it's time to remove my tube.

"Hey bambina, ready to get out of here?" Matteo happily asks, clearly trying to divert my attention. 

"Ummhm." I anxiously hum in response. 

I am more than ready to leave, but I terrified of the pain I'm about to receive.  

"I promise it'll be quick. You can even use Ares as a stress ball." Matteo responds seeing my stress.

I look to Ares who sits on the couch. He paused the TV we were watching when Matteo entered.

"Yes angelo, you can squeeze me all you want." Ares states moving to sit behind me.

Not responding, I sink into Ares chest. I want this to be over.

While Matteo begins messing around with his tools, Ares rubs my shoulder soothingly. I appreciate his attempt to comfort me but, I am far too nervous to care. 

I cling onto Ares tightly when I feel Matteo's presence at my side, fearful tears fall from my eyes. I begin trying to fight my way out of Ares grip. However, Ares already expected this. 

"Shhh Parks, it'll be okay. You're almost done, piccola." Ares whispers tightening his hold.

With him clearly stronger than me my escape attempts were pointless. An immense pain causes a shrill scream to escape my lips. Unable to flail my arms, I bite down on the closest thing. That thing happened to be Ares arm. Oops.

Momentarily forgetting about the pain in my side, a new fear takes over my mind. I just bit Ares. Oh no, he's properly so mad.

"'m sorry A-Ares, I didn't m-mean to hurt you." I cry with wide eyes seeing my teeth mark on his arm. 

Utterly shocked, I hear both Matteo and Ares chuckle. Why are they laughing? 

"Oh tesoro, it takes more than a little nibble to hurt big bad Ares." I hear Matteo say.

I look back to Ares in disbelief. I bit him though, doesn't that hurt?

"He's right angelo, I didn't even feel it. But don't go around biting people, okay?" Ares chuckles loosening his hold on me.

Wait.... it's over. Matteo's done with the removal. Yeah, I'm still in a heck of a lot of pain, but I'm done! Realizing this, I turn to Matteo with a happy smile.

"I'm done? I can go home?" I eagerly ask.

Matteo's smile widens seeing my face.

"Yes, you're all done. I also gave you some more of the good stuff,  just to make the ride home more bearable. Your side is still going to be sore from the incision, but I can take the stitches out later at home." He informs me.

Matteo then turns around to grabs a weird looking leg thingy. What's that? 

"This is a walking boot. You'll keep it on for a few weeks while your fractured ankle heals. It's bulky but it will keep you from injuring it further." Matteo answers as if reading my mind.

I watch as he gently puts it on my hurt leg. He explains to me I don't have to sleep or shower in it, so that's a plus. 

Matteo and Ares then leave the room so I can finally change out of this stupid hospital gown. I choose one of my brothers giant hoodies. Who's it is, I don't know. Their sweatshirts are like dresses on me, but I wouldn't have it anyother way. They're so soft and fluffy.

As my brothers renter, I start to notice the pain medicine kick in and immediately start to feel more drowsy. The warm clothes are definitely not helping me stay awake either. 

"Okay, let's go home principessa." Matteo says smiling at my appearance.

I reach out for Ares to carry me, which he happily obliges. Lifting me from under my arms, I then wrap my legs around his waist like a koala. He begins exiting the room, Matteo leading the way.

"Stop!" I suddenly shout causing Ares and Matteo to halt and look at me with panicked expressions.

"What's wrong?" Matteo quickly asks scanning my body worriedly. Why do they always do that? 

"Herman!" I shout in response. How could I forget him?

Matteo's face softs into a look of realization before dashing back into the room to retrieve him. He returns moments later with my precious cow, placing him in my arms.

"Ready to go now, bambina?" Ares quietly asks in my ear.

I hum and yes and rest my head on his shoulder. Having Herman with me in my brothers strong arms, I have never felt more safe. 

I don't even make it to the car before I'm out like a light, sleeping peacefully for once.

Because of this, I don't see the glares my brothers send to anyone who looks my way. I'm unaware of the extra security that tails me everywhere I go. I certainly don't notice the shady man watching me with an evil sickening grin on his face. 

[word count 1085]

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