Ch 15

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Loki was not amused. He had pretty much put an end to Voldemort for his older self, since now that they knew about the soul pieces they were being hunted down by expert trackers and destroyed.

However because he had essentially ended several lines, despite the fact Richard helped, he was being charged with murder and about to be thrown into Azkaban for 'being an Overlord'. Despite the fact it was all perfectly above the board and legal because he had gone through official channels and made sure all the papers were signed in the right places.

On the plus side, he had been upgraded from a level 1 Overlord of Evil and Level 9 apprentice of Evil to a Level 5 Overlord and level 2 Journeyman of Evil. Apparently the guild was very impressed with how he took out Voldemort and the creativity he showed.

Bellatrix, as penance for her tenure under Voldemort despite the fact she hadn't known he was a Scab before joining, was to serve under Loki until her probation was over. Considering it was a relatively light sentence, she accepted it eagerly.

Narcissa and Draco were leaving Europe. No way in hell were they sticking around until things had calmed.

It was to little surprise of Loki when someone bearing the crest of the Union of Multiverse Trolls strolled in and undid the chains around him.

"You certainly took your time," said Loki, as if he were commenting on the weather.

"Blame the paperwork having to go through an annoying amount of idiots first."

The man was clearly some form of vampire, but at this point Loki could care less.

"Who are you?!" demanded Fudge, who had barely kept his position as Minister.

"Zelretch. I'm here on official Union business."

"And what Union is that?" asked a toad-like woman with an unhealthy fetish for pink.

"The one where I get rid of your Overlord problem without fearing he'll come back to kill you all for presuming to banish or arrest him," deadpanned Zelretch.

"I hate paperwork," said Loki. Honestly, it took them three months to finally clear him for multiverse travel?

"Who doesn't? Coincidentally this now opens you to becoming one of my many victims," said Zelretch a little too cheerfully.

"Bring it on fangface. I'll burn it all to the ground!" said Loki with an insane evil cackle.

Zelretch's grin didn't diminish, and the two vanished without a trace.

When Loki returned to the castle, the moment the students saw him they let off an almighty cheer.

A bored Richard was terrifying...and without Harry to amuse him, he had grown very bored.

Zelretch was openly amused.

It took Harry five minutes to find Hermione, and the first thing he did was dump the spare time turner in Hermione's hands.

"Have you learned your lesson about overdoing it?" he asked.

"Yes. Madam Pomphrey read me the riot act because she said I had dangerously over-strained my core."

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me I have something important that needs to be done," said Harry.

Bellatrix knew her job as Harry's current double agent. They were going to Azkaban, though she would have a seal on her that would keep the Dementors from making her forget who her allegiance was to once she was re-registered as a Class 7 minion to the Overlord.

You do not want to forget something as minor as re-registering when it came to the Guild.

Once in Azkaban, Harry interrogated the one in the cell. The moment he found out Bellatrix Lestrange in this life had never heard of the Guild (or learned proper fear towards angering a large group of sadistic dark lords who hated scabs) he had his minion bind her and take her place. No one would notice Bellatrix was a few years older than she should be, and with Sirius gone no one saw the switch. He had the cell right across from hers.

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