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Whilst we were rehearsing the dance, Chloe came over and asked to leave early because she has a shift. I agreed to let her go.

But I think Emily didn't like it. I saw her just standing at the back, not even marking the steps.

"Stop!" I stopped them. "Why aren't you doing it?" I asked her. "The least you could do is mark it, and you're not even doing that."

"I'm not marking those ridicules moves." She said.

She's not trying at all. Right now it's a crucial time. We need to work on this routine so that it's perfect for regionals.

"How are they ridiculous? We made them up as a team."

"Yeah, actually, I think her moves are pretty cool, Emily." Eldon said.

"Really? You made them up as a team?"


"Because I don't recall putting any input. So I guess I'm not part of the team." She said and turned around to leave but Kate called her in the office.

Kate notices Emily don't put any effort in and right now I think she's gonna get in a little bit trouble.

I walked into Kate's office because I respect her opinion and I need to ask her something. "Hey Izzy." She said.

"Hey, I was wondering if it's okay if I'll mix up the positions of the dancers in my routine? Like I feel it's a bit stuck and stuff."

"Yeah sure. Whatever you want."

"Okay, cool. Thanks." I walked to the door but she called me. "Yeah?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you, for getting yourself up there and being a good dance captain." I smiled. "But I also wanted to say that I'm sorry. I was so used to Emily, and I never noticed that you could do that great too."

"It's okay. Really."

Hearing Kate apologize just makes me respect her more.

I walked out to the studio. "Guys, I made a decision to change up the lines a little bit in the routine so I'm gonna need you guys to re audition for your placement."

I went to get a drink of water and when I came back I saw Stephanie leaving. "Stephanie. Where are you going? Class just started." I said to her.

"I have something I have to do." She said.

"So you have something better to do than dance class?"


"You can't just leave."

"Really? Because you let Chloe leave all the time." She turned around and left the studio.

When they all performed the dance, I was going through the lines with Kate and Chris to make sure they agree with me.

I walked back to the group and read the lines. "Okay, first row we have me, Daniel and Eldon." Everyone clapped for them. "Middle line, Chloe, Riley, Michelle and James. And last line there's West, Stephanie and Emily. Good job guys."

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